General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you deal with Lich mid/offlane?

How do you deal with Lich mid/offlane? in General Discussion

    Like, when I was playing Shadow Fiend, or when I was trying to make my creep wave not push, no matter what I tried, I always ended up with my lane pushing so hard to his tower, that I wasn't able to last-hit.

    Yes, I can trade hits with him or raze him, but, sometimes it's just not possible, because if you want to trade with him you need to get uphil and basically open yourself to gank from other lanes.

    Same goes for offlane lich, how do I stop my creep wave from pushing into his tower? it's just so annoying. He eats creep, he always have mana to spam his slow, and I don't know what can I do.


      Ask for a tanky hero to gank e.g. spirit breaker. Make sure you have enough nukes and stuns to be able to dive the tower without dying.

      For offlane lich, just pull. If your supports are not doing it, just pull and instead of LH the small camp, go straigh back to lane. Make sure to stack the small camp if you're doing this.


        my guide on how to handle lich:

        take your keyboard, smash it into ur monitor, take ur monitor and throw it out of your window, take your pc and shower it

        hehe im so funny


          your goal in mid as sf is to get lvl 5/7 asap and push out wave -> get rune or farm medium camp
          mid is all about pushing out, not about creep equilibrium
          offlane u can pull the hard camp alone or ask your support to do it. biggest problem is sustain here


            How can you push out creep wave if you have no vision of runes, and if their offlane is contesting it with their supports and your support is staying at lane and doing nothing.

            Sometimes pushing-out lane to take tower/take runes on mid results in getting killed or getting ganked(so u have to go back to base).

            Also, if I try to push lane against lich, it'll work only if I'm level 7, so I can trade 2 razes(if i hit them on him) for his nuke on me, but then again, I also expose myself to roaming Pudge, mirana or some shit, which ain't really surprise in this patch.

            I can pull hard camp and clear it later, I do this regardless of what I late against if I'm mid, but it's still hard to lane against lich.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Nothing you can do about it. Lane control is strength of Lich. Annoying hero.



                Well pretty much, I wasn't sure so I wanted to check.


                  if ur safelane and theres solo lich, you should be happy


                    thats food for u


                      lich + 1 is fuking lame, but hes pretty ez to kill still.
                      he has good ms tho (i think)


                        ur supports just have to know when to pull and when to go for kill


                          lich has no fucking way of waveclearing mid compared to sf
                          in every game u get at least 1 ward. if the offlaner takes it to block the easy pull camp u get information if the enemy is staying on lane or not -> play accordingly. if it gets dewarded and u have 0 information whasoever, SPEND THE GODDAMN 75 GOLD YOURSELF AND WARD YOUR DANGEROUS SPOTS. its fucking 75 gold for winning the lane completely
                          the problem ur showcasing is not lich, it's your laning sense in general. if you lose the mid lane as sf to lich u have severe laning problems at hand and u have no one else to blame than yourself


                            How am I suposed to buy something that's on cooldown? (ward, first 8 min)

                            I know, it's just that I expose myself to several treats such as going to push mid lane with no vision around me, waiting for that Pudge or Mirana to hit you from FOG with arrow/hook/etc.

                            Could be, I got totally destroyed by lich mid few weeks ago, but I usualy try to make up my bad laning phase by clearing stacks I stack during first few mins.

                            Sometimes supports ward useless spots, and sometimes roaming heroes use smoke. Could be that I play a bit too scary mode during first few mins as SF.. dunno.


                              @ gg

                              haha, nice one xd


                                there will always be wards in the shop, and if not, ask your support if u can take one. they will say yes in 80% of the times. stop making excuses and get good


                                  yeah dude when i would go offlane/mid and support don't give u ward i just buy it myself, 75 gold


                                    Last time I checked you can't buy more then 2 wards for first 8 mins. Supports will buy wards, I'm not saying they won't, but I wasn't talking about that.

                                    I guess you completly ignored the fact that support usualy buys 2 wards and gives one to offlane, and place one somewhere.

                                    I'm not making any excuses tho.

                                    play for fan

                                      i say aluaho akbarrr and go to kill lich if i failed and died i go mid and say soloooo miiiid or feeed


                                        @ Be water my friend

                                        I know, I don't even have problems spending money on wards, it's just that sometimes I have to play defensivly because of lack of vision.

                                        At least in my bracket, supports ward useless spots and offlane blocks camp with ward, so I end up without any vision for first 8 mins.


                                          a ward will restock in 2 minutes


                                            if u buy 2 wards at start the next one available will be at 1:30
                                            stop talking shit out of your ass to defend your statement if u ask for advice


                                              i dont think ull get raped by 5 heroes mid in 2 minutes, and the u can buy it and feel safe


                                                yeah actually if u buy them at spawn its at 1: 30


                                                  well 1:30 or 2:00 or even 3:00 doesnt matter, its still daytime


                                                    Really? Tbh, I though they come online around 7:50 or some shit. Well I'll do it next time I play, that's really good to know.

                                                    Thanks guys.


                                                      even a guy with 2.7k games dont know rthis, fuck me


                                                        no problem. the first step to get better is realizing your mistakes


                                                          better make another smurf, no other way out

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            I actually didn't know that too. Everytime I am forced to play support I just open the shop and check if any wards are available.


                                                              if i die mid due to ganks i just buy a ward with the tp, before min 7 supports usually dont buy another ward and by this time u nearly have 2 wards back in stock again


                                                                "no problem. the first step to get better is realizing your mistakes"

                                                                Ofc, as I said 1000 times, I have no problems figuring out and dealing with my mistakes.

                                                                I never felt ashamed to admit I don't know something. But I pity those who can't admit they're sometimes wrong tho.

                                                                This intel actually helped me a lot, since now I provide myself wards at 1:30 and ward my midlane the way I want.

                                                                Thanks. :)

                                                                Still don't know how to deal with Lich tho. xD I'm gonna try to push the lane/raze him, zone him out and ward spots to see if I'm gonna get jumped.

                                                                Like, it gets tricky if I have to deal with Spirit Breaker + roaming Mirana and mid lich. But I guess you just have to keep calm and don't tilt. :)

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  for offlane push his tower or have ur support smoke behind the tower to kill him/push it

                                                                  lich mid dual just suck it up and stack ur jungle/ancients when the waves pushing into his tower


                                                                    Dont contest 1st rune, block the creep wave instead or ask someone to do it. But i think its not a big deal, did u lose the game because of this?


                                                                      U dont deal with lich, lich deals with u

                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        Lich gonna have yo mana.


                                                                          U dont deal with lich, lich deals with u


                                                                            lich hates it when you push into his tower. Go dual mid and either take early mid t1 or force them to respond so you can create space for your other two lanes. It isn't always about you being able to 1v9


                                                                              Lich is very strong early game and beyond useless late game. Delay the game


                                                                                Thanks for tips guys, I'll try to answer to all of you, I appriciate help.

                                                                                "Dont contest 1st rune, block the creep wave instead or ask someone to do it. But i think its not a big deal, did u lose the game because of this?"

                                                                                @ W A O W, I think I went for rune, not gonna lie, but what happened is that by eating one creep he's constantly making my creep wave push into his tower. Failing to secure first few last hits before level 3 didn't really helped aswell, if you get me.

                                                                                "lich hates it when you push into his tower. Go dual mid and either take early mid t1 or force them to respond so you can create space for your other two lanes. It isn't always about you being able to 1v9"

                                                                                I guess I'll try to communicate with my team if it happens again I guess, at the end of the day, this is a team game.

                                                                                I tried to push with razes, but it wasn't really easy. This guy just use his slow-dmg thing on me and attacks me few times and I have to go back.

                                                                                Because if I stay I'm gonna get slowed-dmg-ed again and I'll tank up his ult, which will result in death I think?

                                                                                Tbh I'm not really sure.. I'm not used to this kind of matchup, I have no exp..


                                                                                  You can also console yourself that even if you lose your lane, all they have is a farmed lich...

                                                                                  Though its nerfed you can still go stack the jungle and you'll at least be evens by the end of the owning stage...


                                                                                    try bottlecrowing while razing + farming neutral camp

                                                                                    7Mad About You

                                                                                      Lich gonna have yo mama


                                                                                        That's what I do, I try to bottlecrow and farm/stack neutral camps.

                                                                                        I think I need to work on getting my last hits during first few waves as SF.

                                                                                        Like, sometimes I just fuck on everything because I get on tilt and frustrated easily.