General Discussion

General DiscussionTimes of heroes peak and fall down

Times of heroes peak and fall down in General Discussion
{|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

    Can u guys please tell me at what time usually heroes get to their peak and when they start to fall down ? For example TA is at her peak at 25-35 min and starts to fall down after 50 min. Am is at his peak at 40 min and starts to fall down after 60 min.
    Maybe in a description like this
    Hero Peak time Fall down time
    AM 35-40 min after 50 min
    TA 25-35 min after 60 min
    Think this thing will be very usefull for better understanding of heroes.


      No1 gives a more u' ll understand...no1 got time to list down 111 heroes and their most impactful time in the game.



        Miku Plays

          lc all game if ur good

          Riguma Borusu

            ^LC actually falls off if multiple enemy cores get really farmed, because of her single target nature. TA actually scales really well into the lategame if you can play her safe enough to continue dishing insane damage.

            {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

              If you Spartan are ignorant is fine for me, but being an cocky idiot that isn't fine.
              Anyway I think anybody can tell at 2-3 heroes their best peak time and time of their downfall.

              Bad Intentions

                Super end game CK! Damn he scary! 😨

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  When it comes to a time window for carries, special mention goes to:


                  35-40 min mark. After that meepo becomes more and more useless.

                  Miku Plays


                    Aghssss is the anssweerrrrr and refresher late game. Thats 2 heroes deleted

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      are u looking for some specific heroes?


                        what a weird thread. so incredibly situational that it isn't worth answering. depends on how you're building a hero, how fast you are farming, who you are against etc.