General Discussion

General DiscussionI miss storm

I miss storm in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    I was horrible at him but i enjoyed playing him and watching good Storm players. Why OSFrog? Did he really deserve that big of a nerfhammer?

    Pale Mannie

      'Tis but a scratch OSfrog

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        Just watch me zip, watch me nae nae


          Yes he did so everyone else who didn't play storm could play a game without playing against a hero would who be able to feed off an underfarmed support whenever he saw him from halfway across the map.

          King of Low Prio

            I miss having a hero zip and kill you from fountain


              "O look i might just ward roshan since storm is farming around t3 mid!"
              "SURPRISE MOTHERF*CKER!!!"

              Ty BalanceFrong for removing this sh*tstain from meta, please nerf some more wind and i will be very happy


                me too


                  played against a storm last night. the guy bought back and zipped from fountain just to kill me literally about 3 times. i think my trashtalking worked..

                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                    he's still just need to have some proper experience now and manage his mana very well

                    the way i see it is that you cant freely ball to get free overload charges anymore....after you adapt your play to suit that change you should be good to go

                    keeping just enough mana for the getaway is actually pretty essential right now

                    Livin' Real Good

                      He was cool, but c'mon man, it wasn't cool that he could just get fed off an underfarmed that he see's going for a bounty rune, while he's all the way at mid lane farming.

                      play for fan

                        storm was not a balance hero at all probably unbalanced hero of all times he was a nighmare in the hand of the right player but osfrog didnt nerf him for ages i think he deserved a nerf after all
                        i miss sniper btw 6.83 sniper + dragon lance = call of duty


                          Okay tbh storm needs some sort of a buff because even jungle creeps got more magic resistance now


                            That magic res buff + mana cost increase on q hurts so fucking much actually. Poor thing wont be viable for 2-3 patches again