General Discussion

General DiscussionUncertain teamfights. In or out? Are you in or out?

Uncertain teamfights. In or out? Are you in or out? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    There are times that an unexpected teamfight occurs. Out of the blue and unplanned. It maybe due to smoke gank or mirana ulti or just plain zero vision. How do you react to this? Do you adjust on the fly? or no plans no go? In that split second, do u just go and handle the situation or ur first instinct is to back first? Thoughts?


      Every man for himself :D


        if you get mirana ganked you run, unless your team is smoked behind you waiting. unless your enemy is retarded, they wont be engaging you without thinking they can win, so run should be first instinct no exceptions unless you're baiting with smoke.

        other cases it depends, you just have to judge.

        King of Low Prio

          In every and all situations you fight


            Am I playing solo? Screw them.

            Am I playing with a friend? Yep, gotta keep good relations up.


              usually just turn and go ham. mek if any major damage has been done. wipe out 2 noobs with a necro heal-bomb, scythe their retarded carry. type "???" in all chat.

              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...







                Miku Plays

                  Take their rax, rax is 100 more times better than teamfight


                    Just play your game. If someone in your team doesn't like it, type ".l." and move on.


                      If my team is being ganked by:
                      1) Mirana ult --> Just run, unless they ganked at your tower or your team have dust/sentry/gem.
                      2) Smoke gank --> Assess the situation. Smoke gank usually meant that the 2 teams are evenly matched. It depends on which hero is being caught.

                      If it is a prolonged team fight whereby your team mate go in and die 1 by 1, screw them and go farm/rat.

                      If it is a bait and your team is oblivion to it, I will say it is a bait but still take the bait if it is early game. Thereafter, I will say "See told you so" and assume leadership of the team. If it is late game, I will assess whether there is any one worth saving.

                      Usually, you have more time to consider/engage/dis-engage if you are playing a ranged hero.


                        Yo OP, what do you do in this situation man? you seem like a brawler, always down for a fight..

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          Team situation that I'm afraid to dive and usual attack (not the most effective though haha)

                          Q: Whenever a Death Prophet Exorcism is cast with his whole team pushing your tower.
                          A: Aim Death Prophet first?

                          Q: Global Silence
                          A: Maybe regroup?

                          Q: Warlock two golems during clash
                          A: Ignore the golem. Aim for the heroes!

                          Q: Miranas Moonlight
                          A: Go for the nearest tower and regroup.

                          Q: Chaos Knight Phantasm (w/ Heart and Manta)
                          A: NO SOLUTION. Lol

                          waku waku

                            gotta fight or everyone will die and blame you

                            Paid actor

                              Everything tells me to get out but i still fight to the end, then i get mad at myself. Story of my dota games.


                                if you can switch a one man gank into a 5v5 you probably should all other things being equal - much more likely to come out of a fight with a balanced exp/gold change as opposed to the guaranteed 1 hero loss.

                                in pro games you certainly see a lot less immediate running away than i get in my pubs.


                                  If a gank by enemies? JUST RUUUUNN BITTTTTCHHHH RUUUUNN!!!! But if my teammates, back me up? COME HERE BITCH! LETS DUEL!!! :)


                                    Tactical pause and scream cyka blyat teammate report.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      I think one of the most important things is to manage your blink cooldown so you can jump in at an advantageous moment, if you have a blink of course. I see tons of people just blinking around like retards and not having a blink when they need it and could mak a difference in the fight.


                                        ability to instantly make the right decision in such a case is one of the best representations of one's skill

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          True, as is being properly prepared (having map sense for things like these). For example, if you use an ability with a longish cooldown to farm the jungle while not seeing any enemies on the map, you might have just forgone your teamfight potential in case it arises, or now you can't contest roshan because you used it. Many people are going to be unaware of this error, and attribute it to lack of luck, but the reality is, I've watched so many pro games where people could get tons of gold if they use a specific ability in jungle, for example, but they reserve it for fights, most notably this comes down to the popularity of TI5 doom where using scorched earth to speed up your jungling can turn out to lose you a fight.

                                          So while it's important what you can conceive and do at a certain point in time and hastily make a decision, it's also really important to 'feel the game' and use cooldowns/positioning on the map properly so that you're ready for the fight. I see way too many people TPing to T1 towers to defend them while the enemy team is grouping mid to push as a team, this is okay if you're a farming core who can't contribute that much to the fight anyway, or you have a global presence ultimate (like spectre) but in pretty much any other case this is a game losing endeavor if you can't trade their five man push for a tower of your own.


                                            i'm running away but i'm trying to be close enough to able to reengage while i'm looking around me and deciding if i should turn around or not

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              damn triple, wat u said was golden right there :]