General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to boost winrate for noob in normal bracket.

How to boost winrate for noob in normal bracket. in General Discussion
Pemain Mobile Legends

    Guys any advice for noob like me to boost my winrate in normal bracket, i play in SEA Server btw. Thank you before!


      Moving away from South East Asia is probably the best move you can make.


        kill enemies, win games


          learn the game, then play. look at my games, I got coached and now I suck a little less. still shit though. xD

          Pale Mannie

            Play the current meta of pushing and midgame teamfights

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            Paid actor

              Mute all chat, never play supports in that rating, and keep your eyes on the map every 5 sec at least, play safe dont go for the "good trade".
              GL i hope u improve.


                Sometime trust + rely is very important, but doesnt mean fully rely on them, you know your own skill and strong, so use it to help your team, use your knowledge and skill to help your mid laner, carry or offlane, we cant move other ass so it is easier to move ours, trust me with that mind set, you will suffer less blood chock in sea server


                  oh god