General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 makes no sense sometimes

Dota 2 makes no sense sometimes in General Discussion
    Normal Skill - Enemy slardar actually knows what he's doing, buys gem gets blink force bkb goes full initiator and carrys his team, and in lane actually tries to harass me with help of blood
    Very High Skill - Enemy 4k dusa doing ancients, gets most farm late and does nothign with it getting caught out 24/7, me solo vs es and blood still getting freefarm bec they are scared of hitting me

    Normal Skill players > Very High Skill players? 4Head


      I play in stacks so I can always rest assured that:

      My Stack < Normal Skill randoms

      You should try it!

      King of Low Prio

        the fact you think that slardar knows what he is doing shows us all we need to know about you

        Paid actor

          U used to be a cooler guy than the random "im better than u" :/

          U cant judge brackets by a single game, thats completly wrong...mb that dusa was experimenting smth while that slardar was dead serious. Ppl dont get in their respective bracket/mmr just in one or 2 games, if dusa is vhs which is 3.7k+ and slardar is normal skill which is max 3.2k (right?) than chances r that medusa is a better player 9 out of 10 times, but that doesnt mean that he is perfect or that he is serious in everygame. I would advice u to try to improve as much as u can urself, and not judge games by winning or losin them but from what uve learned from them.

          play for fan

            ^ leave sampson alone he just lost hes boy friend in a car accident last week


              remember, 3k=5k

              King of Low Prio

                I never said I was better than him, he just implied it.


                  votes on samsung


                    So how is getting out of LP coming along?


                      "My Stack < Normal Skill randoms"

                      ... so.. your stack is worse than randoms?.... ok


                        ^ It's so he can get easy wins.

                        Nothing confusing really.


                          1. Slardar counters slark
                          2. You went midas but from what u are saying your lane was hard.
                          3. You go shadow blade vs slardar who have built in invis counter.

                          I don't know rly I am just 3.6k newbie but stuff u did doesn't make sense for me.

                          4. Hah! There is even zeus and u went shadow blade.

                          It could be totally different game if u made Aquilla -> S&Y -> Skadi.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            ^i like OP item choice way, way more than what you suggest, tbh


                              If his stack is worse than randoms, those would be easy losses.

                              Or is seriously everyone here confused about how greater than and less than signs work?


                                "M" < "N" (string compare)
                                Or his stack is less then 5 players

                                He compared skill? MMR? Something else?

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  ^ what the fuck are you even talking about.

                                  it's super simple.

                                  he said "My Stack < Normal Skill randoms"

                                  =My stack is less than normal skill randoms.

                                  =My stack is worse than normal skill randoms.

                                  =My team is worse than average. Therefore I lose.

                                  It's that simple. It doesn't matter if his stack is 2 stack or 5 stack. If his stack is worse that means he loses more on average.

                                  Why would you even say string compare. You think saying unrelated dumb shit somehow makes you sound smart? Did you just take CompSci 1 at uni and think you're a hacker now?

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    "1. Slardar counters slark
                                    2. You went midas but from what u are saying your lane was hard.
                                    3. You go shadow blade vs slardar who have built in invis counter.

                                    I don't know rly I am just 3.6k newbie but stuff u did doesn't make sense for me."

                                    EleGiggle 4Head

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Marlan The Boosted laying down the law


                                        There is nothing below Normal skill! Except for that specific stack.