General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen you get low priority because enemy team reports you for rape?

When you get low priority because enemy team reports you for rape? in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    seems about right


      another 4k happy cuz won against an 5k and u are a pudge jesus


        I watched the game, i could swear that PA was 3k mmr xD

        Welt aus Eis

          i saw her reporting him, was watching her perspective lol

          King of Low Prio

            Yea I got into low prio cuz some lil fgt got mad he was stomped by a riki


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              s r e y u B t n u o c c A

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                5k pa with 2k build? Obviously party mmr and at most 3k real solo mmr

                Pale Mannie

                  Every PA = 2k

                  Riguma Borusu

                    That fucking PA build rofl, don't know what's worse, butterfly against a natural MKB carrier, or the fact that she likely got satanic late, when it could no longer help her much since she's spent the whole game withno extra HP against heroes who can eat her alive rofl.

                    Pale Mannie

                      Is PA a 2k feminazi? Because losing and getting killed = rape
                      Only the logic of feminazis can be like this


                        ^ Lmfao yeah probably dude that was insane at the end venge said ''pudge no human trash noob''

                        Maybe they even thought I was scripting or something.

                        Mos Likely

                          Rape is bad and widely frowned upon in modern society... personally i would report you too..

                          Just kidding.. stay positive

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          Livin' Real Good

                            Sounds juicy, i'm bored, I watch the game.

                            Livin' Real Good

                              replay unavailable, oh well


                                Wait really it's unavailable?

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Yup, will try it again after this match, gonna restart dota after. It's only 14 hours old, no way it should be unavailable


                                    @I Hanter I
                                    Racism ban?

                                    I Hanter I 25:30 LMFOA
                                    I Hanter I 25:30 TURKS


                                      think you got reported for flaming?


                                        ''@I Hanter I
                                        Racism ban?
                                        I Hanter I 25:30 LMFOA
                                        I Hanter I 25:30 TURKS''

                                        Havoc said kappa nice bkb after we killed PA and that PA said this: kes anini sikerim & oruspu cogogu, my friend is turkish and he told me what that means, it means shut the fuck up i fuck your mother you son of a wh0re.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Ferdinand I

                                          Lol why you think this pa is account buyer? Look her team, It's so shiiit (said in Chi Long Qua's accent ). You think you can perform better?


                                            And did you shutup !?

                                            welcome into #njoyingthechatbanboyz


                                              If i lived on the edge of LPQ constantly I wouldn't even talk, I just never get LPQ

                                              06:27Pudge Pudge: ok
                                              25:20Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: KAPPA BKB
                                              25:25Phantom Assassin Phantom Assassin: kes ananı sikerim
                                              25:27Phantom Assassin Phantom Assassin: orospu cocugu
                                              25:29Pudge Pudge: LMFOA
                                              25:30Pudge Pudge: TURKS
                                              33:53Pudge Pudge: this pa is a disaster
                                              47:25Pudge Pudge: jesus christ
                                              47:27Pudge Pudge: what is this rating
                                              50:01Pudge Pudge: whats the chance
                                              50:03Pudge Pudge: of bashing twice in a row
                                              50:05Pudge Pudge: with a dagger
                                              50:06Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: report
                                              50:07Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: please
                                              51:26Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: KAPPA
                                              52:06Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: shit i forgot to use charm for this ez game
                                              52:10Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: dayum
                                              52:46Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: HAHAHHA
                                              52:51Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: WHY YOU SO STUPID HAHAHA
                                              56:47Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: yo let me get the courier please
                                              56:52Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: stop being stupid
                                              59:48Medusa Medusa: guys we just want one rax to be even
                                              01:00:41Pudge Pudge: hwo is pa 5.3k
                                              01:00:49Pudge Pudge: thats maximum 3.3k
                                              01:03:00Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: commend
                                              01:04:08Lina Lina: ggwp
                                              01:04:36Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer: nice jokes mate, so funny
                                              01:04:51Outworld Devourer Outworld Devourer disconnected
                                              01:04:51Pudge Pudge: pa 5.3k
                                              01:04:51Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit: ez pudge u are no human trash noob...
                                              01:04:51Vengeful Spirit Vengeful Spirit disconnected
                                              01:04:51Pudge Pudge: what a joke
                                              01:04:51Phantom Assassin Phantom Assassin disconnected
                                              01:04:51Lina Lina: rofl pa

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                So, the PA at talk is Turkish? I'm totally not surprised.


                                                  ''Lol why you think this pa is account buyer? Look her team, It's so shiiit (said in Chi Long Qua's accent ). You think you can perform better?''

                                                  Yes high skill boy, I can perform better.

                                                  And did you shutup !?
                                                  welcome into #njoyingthechatbanboyz


                                                  So, the PA at talk is Turkish? I'm totally not surprised.


                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  plz do

                                                    dunno, who is the least mature. i mean everyone understands the concept of bad losers, but seriously everyone just hates winners dicking around. anyways, why bother everyone behaves like retard on the internet. #respectkappa


                                                      They couldn't handle it :) When people see you're better them they report you because they can't compete XD


                                                        i report people sometimes when they kill me, no biggie


                                                          i get 1 more report back after the game usually


                                                            Reports well spend 5head


                                                              ^ 4000 games.

                                                              still 4k.

                                                              if i had my rate of mmr gain but with your number of games, i'd be 11,000 mmr

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                Thank you haha.