General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in mmr HELL

Stuck in mmr HELL in General Discussion

    Recently I have tried to increase my solo mmr (my goal as of right now) to around 2k or 2.5.But every 1 out of 10 games I will have a good team that will work together and come with the outcome of a victory after every fight. But here in 1k average mmr you don't get so lucky... I am not sure if it is my fault, the mistakes i made or if it's the team that does not want to cooperate. I am not the biggest fan of solo matchmaking, but i still want to surpass 1k and advance to a higher, more challenging skill level where the enemy is on the other team, not mine...
    If you can help this would b amazing, Thank you!


      You're 1k mmr no wonder u get retards lOL

      Nikosh Adhar

        I survived these part a long time ago. It was year 2014 I think. I played DP, LC , Lycan and Doom to get out of it. Try new meta heroes with good win rates like ursa, necro, wk


          just dont play ranked fam

          Riguma Borusu

            In the last few weeks I boosted my account from 1.5k to 2.7k
            The advice is to play heroes that can win 1v9 scenarios, pretty much, and spam them. Personally I spammed LC which is not the best 1v9 by far but you can exploit people's stupidity in 1k and 2k so you win a lot of duels and snowball out of control. This is however only true if you're actually better than those people, if not, you'll remain 1k or 2k no matter what, which you should if that's the case.

            Livin' Real Good

              well being able to spam one hero doesn't actually mean " you're better " than that bracket completely.


                Dude, if you actually wanna climb dont say stuff like "it's my teams fault" or "i cant get out of this hell cause of others". We all know it's bullshit and it's just a shitty excuse to make yourself feel better.

                If you're a man you will admit that you suck too and actually start watching 6-8k mmr player streams, learn about how to pick better and just improve overall as a player. Also i suggest to you that you seriously start playing overhtrow to learn combat mechanics and execution.

                If you do all that games will become piss ez for you. Gl :)

                petre dinkalege

                  I've been stuck in 2k for forever. I am obviously not that good if I've been stuck here for so long, but I seriously always have shitty teammates. I played a ton of party ranked games with another friend when I started playing and I went to and got stuck in 1k. I know I'm not the best (far from it) and I'm not gonna blame another on Russians or Peruvians, because it is all Americans that I play with. I may deserve to be in 2k, but most of my teammates definitely should not be in 2k.


                    Dude, 2k is utter fuckin trash. What did you expect to find there? Dendi and Miracle? XD

                    Grilled Chicken

                      Whats ur goal of mmr ?

                      Riguma Borusu

                        @keppa: Does it occur to you that sometimes the shitty teammate is you?


                          OK i tihkn the only people who can legit bitch about team mates are people at 6k+ cause they are getting 4-5k teammates and if you are stuck in mmr hell then MAYbe you dont deserve to come out i had no trouble getting out of 2k in fact i am 4k now and still raising i got 500mmr when i started and have been playing for 1 year got 1 coaching lesson from a 6,3k player that helped a lot but that only happend at 3k so 500 to 3k i go alone i dont "tryhard" i just play my game and if my team mates ask me things i answer i DONT order people to do things like builds and shit i jsut let them play The biggest thing is if you have 50%+ winrate you are already better then most at 2k i was playing only with 50%- and something 50+ ONLY ONCE did i see another good player who had 60%+ that was in 600 games at 2k so GLHF

                            Yorum silindi

                              pick ursa. go to any lane. if people get near you, hit them and collect the free $. ursa is shit at pushing but you should make a ton of room and get way ahead, kill rosh, get blink, kill anyone thats by themselves. I feel like ursa would be super ez for a 1k player to learn and start winning games with.


                                1v11. You have to win no matter what Icefraud, Gaben, teammates and enemies throws to your face. New heroes, remade heroes, new items, shitty teammates, MVP enemies. Even Puppey have to accept an addicted to Rapiers autistic, a diediedie in his team and he didnt complaint anything so far. Miracle- AM 1v5 in his safelane, get BFury treads in 12 minutes, 6 slots in 30 minutes and 1v9. And he didnt flame his mates at all, only smile *pudge face*

                                petre dinkalege

                                  @road to oblivion
                                  Did you read at all what I said?


                                    Road to oblivion is absolutely right, I'm 5.2 mmr and the only way to win is to pick the heroes you're confident you're going to destroy the most with in a 1v5 situation. Either that or win your offlane hard. I do this with elder titan, tusk, and beastmaster. Just pick the core for mid or safelane that just slaughters everything, or win your offlane hard and make the other team salty as fuck.


                                      just b yourself

                                      your dad

                                        dude you must try rat hero like np ora lycan and steal their ancient


                                          Git gud. That's literally it. If you don't care enough to change what you're doing, then you deserve to be at your MMR. I went from 2.2k-2.4k (just hit 2.4k today actuallly) just by using a counter picking tool (Dotapicker) and it works most of the time. Plus i can ask my teammates to play certain heroes cuz they certainly won't counter pick all the time. Here are some resources that helped me that you may be able to use.







                                          watch?v=qS-ooJqCI9E (purge replay coaching)

                                          And to get hyped, here's a moonmeander speech.

                                          GL HF

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            I was 1.4k and raised to 2.4k now due to working my ass off so I will be really good and escape mmr hell. I watch baumi's and purge's videos, it helps allot
                                            also if you feel like its hell already, check slack's "how to get away mmr hell" video and it helped me too.

                                            Road to 7k SP

                                              Bristleback, vanguard pipe bottle for ez to 3k8 mmr


                                                the "1v9" advice is so stupid
                                                you are implying that he's much better than his bracket
                                                we're talking about a guy with 45 ranked matches and 33% winrate

                                                so git gud


                                                  oh and i thought 5k is mmr hell....


                                                    Build your hero pool; meaning to get comfortable with 3-5 heroes (best beeing same in role), understand the mechanics, get good at CS (Lh/10,Dn10) after 100-200games profit.


                                                      OMG SirActionSlacks has the perfect guide for you!!! Lmao