General Discussion

General DiscussionSome questions about playstyle and items

Some questions about playstyle and items in General Discussion
{|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

    So well im a noob, completely noob, and in this situation I would like the opinion from some pro player (5mmr or higher). I would like to answer truly to my questions and not troll them.
    1. Would be refresher good on Arc Warden as 5-6 item ( using like 4 time hex, dagon and necro) seems pretty sick ? I admit that would be pretty hard to use it properly.
    2. Does HoT work better on strenght heroes, shivas on intelligence heroes and butterfly on agility heroes as a defensive item, and if so, when we should get AC instead any of this ?
    3. Does worth getting a MKB instead of Daedalus if only 1 of the enemy 3 right click carry go for butterfly ( think against PA, WR and Brew, Arc Warden MkB is a must) ?
    4. If enemy goes for 4-5 right click heroes and u team succed to feed them well, then u get some nice streaks from, and u kill them few times, then they start 5 man pushing. who should u iniate in a line-up like Ursa, Gyro, Bounty, Earth Shaker and Legion Commander and u have troll ? What items would u get with troll against this line-up ?
    5. When does worth going for PT, Ring of Aquilla, Drums and Sange and Yasha, or just rush eye of skadi after pt with Slark and Troll ?
    Smaller items or just rush for the big ones ?
    6 Does Sange and Yasha work better with BKB and Manta with Eye of Skadi ?
    7. How can u punish with a right click hero a 3-4 right click heroes line up ?
    8. Would be viable a SF with eul, blink, bkb, aganim, refresher and BT ?
    9. When worth midas rush ?
    10. Who should focus first in the position roles ? ex. focus position 5 heroe first cause his squishy and has a lot of disable abilities, or focus first position hero cause he does the most of enemy damage.
    11. what should u do when u wipe the enemy again and again then everybody go in jungle and shit, then they start to go 1 by 1 in 5 man ? most games happened like that in my shitty trench. btw if u don't go with them and feed, they will ping the shit out of u and call u idiot.
    12. I play for the team, and use all my nukes and damage at the beginning of fights, and most of the time I get assists instead of kills, should I be more greedy and try to get them, I really don't care to much since I find important we got the kill. But the boost of gold from those kills could make a huge difference. I usually play position 1-2 and always end with lot of assists.
    13. How is boots of travel rush after bottle and ring of Aquila on some heroes like Ember, Sf, Pl and Naga?




        1) yes
        2) it's situational:
        enemy has right clicker -> you need armor -> shiva's on int or bfly on agi
        enemy has magic damage -> get hot or bkb
        enemy has a strong target spell -> get linkens
        3) you should buy mkb if enemy team has any source of evasion


        maybe u guys answer the rest?


          Im not 5k yet, but point 7. took my attention.

          N1 counter is communication with your team on what to pick. U need to end game asap so they dont come online.

          Omniknight ofc is the first which comes to mind to counter rightclickers.

          U counter such line up usually with 1 Carry early push scenario and carry is not useless early game (Jugger, Lycan, Gyro, Drow, Wk, Sven maybe)

          For example:

          Safe lane: Drow + Shadow Shaman
          Mid: SF
          Offlane: Slardar + Lich or slardar + Undying

          U have 2 good tanks to be in the front line, and 2 range heroes that stay back and profit from drow aura.

          U are meant to win lanes and push hard asap. U can also make a use of Death Prophet + Shadow Shaman ult and whatever the rest picks are. DP mid or even offlane + shadow shaman safe lane support

          Apart from Omniknight also Chen is a great pick here but i doubt it will work on normal skill lol. So If u can, pick omni.


            I'm not 5k, I don't care.

            1. Have seen Meracle from FD, not Miracle from OG, doing it. He actually got refresher as 7th item. You know, that courier play? If you're that good, you can do it.

            2. Not necessary. In pro scene, and higher pub ranked, you will see Bristle back or Axe with Shiva (they are not Intel heroes), and sometimes Tiny with Butterfly (he's not Agility hero). Items are situational. Meaning, you have to identify best alternatives looking at enemy line-up and game scenario.

            You should get AC if your team is low on armour or enemy is higher on armour or enemy has spells / items to reduce your armour, and when you need to man-fight hard hitters.

            3. When enemy has evasion, better make MKB but get your core items first. E.g. TA needs Desolator first (and even Daedaelus) before she can go MKB to deal with enemy evasion, most of the times.

            4. You have to play as team and not commit shabby mistakes such as staying way too close with ES on enemy team or jumping to take a kill on their carry forgetting ES on enemy team.

            Have Pipe of Insight in your team, communicate and prioritise target, and you will do good, I'm sure. It also depends on what heroes does your team have. Initiators? Disablers, AoE ult ?

            You need to have Phase / Threads, Silver Edge, SnY, BKB, Butterfly, Satanic as 6-slotted Troll in late game.

            5. Better go with early & mid game items first. They give you stats, increase your survivability, help make fight better mid-late.

            6. Not necessarily. You can do SnY with Skadi. No harm.

            With Terror Blade or Luna, you can go SnY to give them strength, movement+attack speed then make Skadi to give them better stats and make them even tankier. Chinese players mostly do this.

            BKB is self-explanatory.

            7. If your right click hero is core, make Assault Cuirass. If your right click hero is support, make Scythe of Vyse or Shiva.

            You may also need Solar Crest as support or Heaven's Halbred as core. Depends on line-up actually.

            8. I can't say anything on this but I would like my SF to have Mekansm, BKB, Butterfly & Satanic or Skadi. I think, the sooner he become the right-clicker, the better for your team.

            9. Depends on situation in game. If jungler or someone who needs to get levels quickly, usually gets made after buying boots. 4-8 minutes on core, 12-15 minutes on support.

            10. Depends on team / communication / priorities.

            11. Tell team to Push! Ping on tower / structure where your creep waves are pushed. You can alt+click enemy icons who are dead, it will let your team know how long do they have to revive, and then give command Push!

            You can tell them, if they fail to do so, that you did ask them to push and take objectives.

            12. Depends. Ideally, as 1 or 2, you should go greedy with kills but don't cry KS if you fail to do so. Just give command Well Played!

            13. If you're asking this question then it means you know that strategy. If you're comfortable with it, don't fear enemy's push power, can farm at comfort with team backing you up, want to fight late, then no harm in doing it.