General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere does tidehunter fit in the current meta?

Where does tidehunter fit in the current meta? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    It seems he needs a buff or something to catch up with the current times, thoughts?


      Tide popularity become low by the time he get strong/buff.
      I remember the time when anchor smash become clickable first thought OP and Alliance once name their team with 'No Tidehunter' cuz lodAa say they think its too OP.

      The past few years he only gain buffs after buff but people now know how to deal with him even some caster say Tobi 'Ravages' best ult in game...

      Probably cuz meta today need ganking offlane hero slardar,doom,tusk with also good teamfight/gank disable

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        Tide is pretty good, just run him offlane and you cant do alot to him unless u run a really aggro trilane. His armour makes him able to tank creeps and his low mana cost and low cd aoe nuke around him (which also decreases enemy dmg when hit by it), makes him a pretty good offlaner. mana boots>(if your getting crushed get drums here) if not blink> then w.e your team needs -> refresher ( NOTE that u need mana items for refresher or there is no point in buying it, complete waste of gold )

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        Pom Pom 🍕

          The hero just needs to be more useful outside his ultimate (like how doom was buffed). It has too long cooldown for the current meta.


            It's because they think he's too weak without ancients. Imo, pro teams don't take enough risks! They just go for what is easy and proven strong regardless, aka Sufail shit noob


              Reduce cooldown on ravage and buff gush mana cost.