General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit

Storm Spirit in General Discussion

    I'm a relatively new storm player (literally just started playing him yesterday) but I've fallen in love with the hero. I don't play him well by any means, but is he truly as dumpster as people say he is? He has a decent lane despite the nerf and mid game he's a monster, and he's a decent late game hero as well imo. any other thoughts on storm?

    < blank >

      He is trash

      Btw you can add me and I'll give some advice on this hero


        I most definitely will. I need all the advice I can get, Storm has made the game fun for me again. Ty


          This hero is garbage now after nerfing him before this patch they nerfed him even in this one... x) all those injokers and OD just shit on you in lane.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            And it's so hard getting stuff done with new Ball Lightning mana costs...


              hit every over load charge gg ez game

              Livin' Real Good

                They nerfed his move speed slightly (not that important) and his static remnant (Q), also nerfed blood stone, I think that was enough.... The ultimate nerf was overboard, but hey, at least his electric vortex cost less mana now. :D He's still fun, just not 6.84 fun, or was he only fun cause he was OP in that patch, and never truly fun to begin with? Eh, nope, he was definitely fun. :D


                  even with bloodstone + orchid you can't sustain the mana cost of your ult, dumpster hero

                  twizz -

                    Storm Spirit is one of the best hero in d2. He got a lot of nerf in this patch bs remnant ult. But if you know how not to loose mid and u know when u can pick it then you will win the game for sure. Actually im ony 5.7ksolomm so i can say this. Unfortunately ss mana pool is bad at the early game buti with arcane boots you can counter it.

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                      Lioninjawarloc (For Boz <3)

                        You play storm, ill play anti mage. You Zip Zap too much, I ult, your entire team dies

                        Livin' Real Good

                          He'd probably shut down your normal skill game with his Storm and orchid even before you finish Manta. lol

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          Lioninjawarloc (For Boz <3)

                            :D, lol i have shit games alot XD.

                            Lioninjawarloc (For Boz <3)

                              but thats why im in normal skill, to get better

                              Livin' Real Good
