General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you build dusa?

How do you build dusa? in General Discussion

    Phase or power treads? Whilst I can see the point of pts the mobility and early damage of phase seem better.

    Do you max snake first? Seems pretty awesome in winning your lane compared to your other skills.

    Why no life steal? I feel a vlads would be a great item on her for sustain and shoring up her mid game.

    Manta early a good or bad decision normally? I get a yasha Then an ultimate orb towards a skadi but it seems silly not to just use it to finish the manta.


      phase, aquila, mom/maelstrom/yasha, skadi, mkb/deadalus/rapier/butterfly
      i prefer mom
      max snake -> max split


        Boots of travel moonshard skadi linken butterfly rapier vysevyse (in any order) phase and aquila early-mid game


          phase / aquila / maelstorm / skadi / mjollnir / daedalus(or mkb) / [optional: linekns] / rapier


            i will up aquila thn phase thn perserverance, maelstrom, linken, thn the rest depends on opponents. i would swap mael for yasha sometimes for greater flexibility. the snake is the must add skill if she lanes. normally do not have to max mana shield cuz of the low base mana before core items. There is a meta where medusa will get MOM and rapier but i do not recommend trying it in ranked matches. manta is easier to farm thn mjollnir. do note that if u are getting manta instead of maelstrom 1st, add some levels of split shot for farming, linken is normally a must get every game to avoid stuff such as am ulti or single target stuns. you should go for skadi before manta. manta is kinda useless if your illusions cant last. Phase is better than treads because of the low movespeed of medusa, treads although will give more hp and all but she will lack her chance of escape in a gank early game. with phase she can ullti can run without needing to be scared opponent will catch up

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              get stats build like aquila/wand, etc. My boots depends on who the hero opponents are either treads or phase boots but I usually get phase boots for extra mobility, treads is for battle type. Then I go straight for Manta to farm faster (activate split shot then use manta, move your illu around the map) after manta I rush skadi then butter, sometimes I satanic for late game issues, satanic and DR are cancer, but if its crucial game I get BKB, daedalus, manta, satanic. There are also situations that I will sell my boots for extra items like extra DR or MOM, especially when there is a hero that can provide me extra MS like OGRE MAGI.

              Livin' Real Good
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                Bocchi The Rock

                  linken, skadi, manta, mkb/butterfly, sometimes straight to rapier

                  Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                    mid game: aquila / wand / treads / yasha
                    I pref treads over phase since you can treadswitch with the Mystic Snake, making it pretty much spammable of CD in lane when you atleast hit a hero and the range creep.

                    late #1: skadi / mealstrom / treads (into BoT), last three items are more difficult and depends on the enemy line-up and which items they have. But generally: Butterfly (if carry doesn't have MKB) / MKB (if they have evasion) / Linkens (single target nukes or stuns) / BKB (you want to end soon and they have a lot of CC) / Rapier (you are behind and NEED to win next fight) / manta (if you need a dispel for e.g. Orchid Silence or to clear illusions).

                    late #2: skadi / bloodstone / radiance / treads (into BoT), laste two items just a mix of one from the above. You go this build if you want to survive longer, it's arguably stronger but you will come online a lot later. If you get some charges on your bloodstone, you are near unkillable. But this build is more hit-and-miss.

                    Also, in like 1/10 games I would say a sheepstick is VERY VERY good, but highly situational.

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                    Livin' Real Good

                      Treads, Aquila, Maelstrom, Skadi, Crystalys, Daedalus, Mjolllnir, Butterfly

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                        Daedalus is the losers Rapier :P
                        Skadi is core, you can build almost every boot (no tranquil), early phase and treads are stronger and of course late travels or GG boots.
                        Half of the games or more you need mkb to counter evasion, lategame defensive items like sheepstick, linkens, OC are great if you have DAMAGE already.
                        This is my most common build: phase/treads -> aquila -> drums -> manta -> skady -> lategame items


                          6 mjollnirs


                            I like to go midas first if I have a trilane or just doing well in lane. Phase, aquilla, wand (huge value on medusa), then it's drums/yasha/manta/linkens/bkb/skadi/butterfly/mkb/mjolnir/rapier depending on the game.

                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              Item build depends on enemies.

                              As for skills, I don't learn Mystic Snake. I go bonus and during early stage lvl2 split shot is enough until lv11 (it depends).

                              Early game I always build Midas for her.

                              In my opinion, Linken and Skaadi is a must have item for her (on any opponent)

                              Situation Items are: Mjolnir, Manta, Butterfuly, MKB, SNY, Madness.



                                My Noob build:

                                Brown boots. (can upgrade into phase or treads if needed but I don't see the need to most games.)
                                Linkens if and only if it is a good linkens game. Otherwise get Skadi now.
                                MKB if you need it. Otherwise Daedalus
                                If you got linkens earlier get skadi now.
                                Boots of Travel or situationally GG boots
                                Get whatever you like. Can upgrade Maelstrom or just get rapiers.
                                Moon Shard
                                More Rapiers
                                Game should be over by now. If not get more rapiers

                                NOTE: you might need a BKB although if its the sort of game you need BKB on Medusa you probably should not have picked Medusa.

                                Skill build:
                                Max snake first getting 1 manashield at 2 and 1 split shot at 4
                                Getting 1 point in split shot lets you possibly farm jungle camps temporarily if lane gets pushed.
                                Get Ult at 6
                                Max Shield if you're involved in fights otherwise max split shot if you can farm.
                                DON'T get level 2 and 3 of Ult till you have your first big damage item. Max out other abilities first then get stats until you have that damage item.

                                plz do

                                  u dont, u pick drow and build agha.

                                  Синячий патруль

                                    Just 2 ways u start farmin : phase-mom or pt-maelstrom

                                    World Eater

                                      I build aquila, treads, vemon orb, rush ultimate orb to eye of Skadi. Instead of skilling W. I skill abilities, and mana shield max. Turn on Q. Win team fights. You can honestly even hold back on level 11 of the ult for stats. She becomes a killing machine with a strong stats build.


                                        I can't imagine getting stats on her. Her abilities are too good imo.

                                        Am surprised she doesn't go mid more. Shield makes ganks difficult and snake good harass. I guess the slow projectile is the main drawback?


                                          Medusa is good mid, can win many lanes. I think its more because she doesn't gank effectively or enable kills like other mids do. Compared to a QOP, Zeus or SF, she isn't a big mid-game damage dealer which is what is usually expected from a mid. Its not to say she cant fight early. Shes really strong in early teamfights, but she doesn't bring much reliable nuke to smaller fights.

                                          Also you should max out all her basic abilities as soon as possible. You only get stats over the second and third level of her ult since upgrading it early doesn't do much. Once you have some damage you Max out ult.


                                            No-one mentioned dragon lance? Waste of money seeing as you won't by using the ogre club (the quarterstaff can be part of a butterfly later on)?

                                            Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                                              Nope, Dragon Lance is indeed a waste. With Dusa you want to get into the fights with Stone Gaze and put out as much damage as possible and after that, tank damage whilst keep destroying their team. A Dragon Lance wont help you with that. It's not terrible, but there are far better options.

                                              Medusa is capable of going mid, but it's a trade-off. She is able to lane againts most common mid heroes and can even win lanes (by this I mean completely outfarming and zoning the other mid hero, killing them is harder), but she wont be able to effectively gank other lanes (maybe just counterganking with stone gaze). If both your safelane and offlane went something agro like undy + sb off and necro + lich safe, then feel free to pick Dusa mid since those two lanes should be able to win on themselves. But since you are still in normal skill bracket (which is perfectly fine) there will be most of the time some random dual lanes with two right clickers or right clicker + support (omni) in both the safelane and offlane, in that case going dusa mid wont help your team at all since you are better off with a good tempo controller.

                                              There was someone who recommended going midas, never do that. She farms really well and 600+GPM is easily obtainable in most games even if you are losing. You don't go midas on her for the exact same reasons why you wont go midas on Alch, Spec and/or AM.

                                              For build, max snake always. This spell is buffed for like 4 patches straight and now is completely broken. When you hit lvl 7 you should be able to hold solo againts most offlaners, even if its a dual offlane, they should have 0 mana in the bank and thus have 0 kill potential.


                                                Thanks Pablo awesome answer and kudos for not flaming the normal skill guy ;-)

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  I'd build phase every time, the extra speed is just too good since you're going to be moving around farming a ton, plus I find her dmg lacking in lane and struggle with cs until I get a blade of attack. Sometimes I get one before boots. But maybe I just suck.

                                                  Then it's all situational from there but I will say build a farming item before a defensive one or your farm rate will suck. That means yasha or mask of madness or maelstrom before linken's or skadi or scythe or whatever. Most medusa fails are cus they rush linkens and have no dmg to farm early. I personally like going mask of madness for faming, it syncs up really well with phase and split shot and is cheap and you don't have to kite jungle at all like if you go maelstrom or yasha and need to avoid dmg. Mask of madness also works really well with her ult in team fights cus everyone has to stop hitting you or turn to stone. Yeah you'll take extra dmg after but they'll be mostly dead.

                                                  So build wise I'd go phase, aquila, mask of madness (or other farm item), s&y or manta, skadi. After that you decide what you need, by default I'd go mkb, but sometimes daedulus is better, butterfly, or sometimes you need a linken's, scythe or bkb. If they have heavy right click and you want more dmg then butterfly. If they have potential butterfly carries and you want dmg go mkb, if they have a fucking zeus on their team go bkb, if they have an LC go linkens, and so on and so on.

                                                  For s&y vs manta, manta is only worth it if the illusions are going to help you out defensively. Cus they do shit on offense. But if there's something you can dispel or you can avoid ganks or whatever it's really good, like vs a viper, vs a riki, stuff like that. Otherwise s&y is cheaper, has more move speed, more dmg, more hp, less int, but that int gets wasted when you use manta anyway.

                                                  For builds max snake, get 1 point in shield, max split shot. You can take more in shield or stats over ult 2 and 3 if you prefer. So build is, snake, shield, snake, split shot, snake, ult, snake, max split shot. Snake is really good for farming, any time there's one of the satyr camps you can restore all your mana with one snake.

                                                  As far as like how to fight with her, remember you're a defensive hero. It's hard to push into her cus of her tankiness and ult. But don't chase shit. When ult is down you are vulnerable. The best heroes your team can pick to go with you are major cc ones good in team fights. Earthshaker, tidehunter, bristleback, enigma, void, all those guys work amazing with medusa.

                                                  I just lost a game where I was pushing 10 cs/min in this match but we started losing every single team fight cus we have no cc. Any time we popped bkbs for a fight or I ulted they all force staff away/ran and came back to fight me and sf with no ults and no bkbs. Course our bh just sucked donkey nuts too but it's really hard to team fight with medusa when people just kite you. Single target with skadi is no issue but she wants to split shot everyone.


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                                                    ^ never battle as dusa if theres no objective to take / defend, i agree dusa is great with cc heroes but you can still win with her if you dont fight stupid fights, when youre pushing the enemy team cannot run


                                                    manta is better than sys, some games i build sys over manta but lategame i always dissassemble it, dont forget this manta makes you a splitpusher, you can farm an extra wave you can farm outside base you can hit buildings safely, you can scout, split push win games.
                                                    you know the basis of the hero but dont think thats enough i played 300 games with this fucking hero and im still learning every game

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      eh, I don't really agree with the manta assertion but it's a fairly minor difference. You can do well either way.

                                                      And you are right, we took some really stupid fights, but it was so hard not to. I was lvl 23 with s&y and skadi when opposing OD was their highest at lvl 18. I felt invincible but I was not at all, they just kited, cc'd and killed me.


                                                        sys is cheaper and better for chase, i build sys when im ahead. lategame manta is better in all scenarios no doubt
                                                        yeh shit happens but you can control that, you said it man just dont chase dont get kitted you are dusa, look when i see fickle heroes in the enemy team i never buy bkb or madness cause they can bait you to activate those items and youre nothing those items in cd are shit.
                                                        bkb is a "dont cc me" item for dusa and somethimes its good, but forget the magic and pure damage mana shield owns pure/magic damage dealers, in most cases i prefer vyse over bkb or just buy heavy damage mjollnir or divine can be better defensive items cause you melt down anyone near you supports cant get into 600 radius around you

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          They had ES, OD and zeus, I don't think just getting beefier would survive that =p but we couldn't just stayed high ground like indefinitely.


                                                            Why not? lets say you take 1000 magic damage with mana shield activated, 400 damage goes to hp so you loss 300 hp (25% magic res) and 600 damage goes to mana then you loss 240 mana (60% res to all damage sources because 2.5 damage per point of mana)
                                                            As dusa every 1000 magic damage taken you loss only 300 hp and 240 mp when most heroes loss 750 hp skadi gives you around 2400 EHP against magic damage...
                                                            against magic and pure damage dealers you never die if youre tanky enough
                                                            And you can defend high ground forever i won many games doing that, its better than getting out of base to die


                                                              OD is also a pretty good counter to Medusa since his ult will burn off 40% of your max mana and the damage from it often gets rid of most of your remaining mana. Also OD will pretty much 2 shot any illusions you make so I wouldn't recommend manta against him.

                                                              Also to add to what WonderWaiter said, Mana shield will block damage before any reductions or amplifications. Which means a 1000 damage nuke will always remove 240 mana. It doesn't matter if its Pure damage, magic damage or physical, mana shield will block it before it would normally be reduced by armour or magic resistance. This means pure damage is less effective against Medusa then it would be against other heroes.

                                                              WonderWaiter explained how 1000 magic damage removes 300 HP and 240 MP. Well, 1000 pure damage only does 400 HP and 240 MP or damage which isn't much more. The Upshot is that negative armour effects or things like Veil that reduce magic resistance are less effective against Medusa. The downside is that buying more armour or even getting a pipe on your team wont make you lose any less mana (Since mana shield will block damage before pipe. Pipe will only block the 40% that gets past the shield). This also applies to things like damage block or Abaddon's Aphotic Shield.

                                                              Finally one thing many people don't realise is that Mana shield Counters lifesteal. Lifesteal heals you based on damage done. If you have 0 armour an enemy that does a 1000 damage crit will heal 250 HP with a satanic. Mana shield reduces the damage to 400 and thus they only heal 100 HP off a 1k crit.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I guess that was a bloodstone game and I blew it then lol.


                                                                  Phase/Wand/ROA/Drum/Radiance. Swap Radiance with MKB if against evasion. Or with Maelstorm if having hard time farming. Rest are situational....

                                                                  Snake is debatable die easily from ganks if you max snake early. However, not maxing snake means you are playing an ultra passive hero which is never really a good idea. Yet, going for stats means that you get much tanky earlier and this allow you to be more relevant during team fights or seiging.

                                                                  Also, imho,
                                                                  1) She is a good surpise last pick. Avoid all the mana burners like PL/AM/Nyx/Invoker/Spectre.
                                                                  2) She is a good counter pick to Slark. Slark ult? You ult too.
                                                                  3) You really need to manage your mana. I have seen countless early ganks on medusa whereby medusa enable mana shield resulting in zero mana and 80% hp and get slowly whacked to death. A 30% hp and 100% mana will allow you to cast your gaze to TP out in certain situations, and may even net you a kill if you are under a tower, since you can activate mana shield immediately after gaze.
                                                                  4) That ult is REALLY devastating during team fights.

                                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                                                    Mystic Snake
                                                                    Mana steal no longer increases by 35% per jump.
                                                                    Now steals 11%/14%/17%/20% on the target's mana basd on their maximum mana, instead of 20/35/50/65.
                                                                    Now returns Medusa the actual amount of mana stolen, instead of always the full value.


                                                                    Its been a while since the last time I played Medusa and I didn't notice that the Snake got buffed. XD


                                                                      Of course there's better picks for the role but does anyone buy blink on her and play the initiator. I can imagine blinking into the midst of the enemy, ultiing and the rest of the team mopping up.

                                                                      Holy Roman Empire

                                                                        Phanse MoM Rapiers


                                                                          I just have a question, how do you survive until she is ready to come out online , had few games with her and it was disaster

                                                                          I can see the aquila>phase>maelstorm build to work, however only when u have team that able to hold its own, not when it shatters down.

                                                                          How to build her in the 1v9 scenario?


                                                                            I build drums in every game as dusa, early stats, early tf power and you can go manta or maelstrom after without any problem

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              You're still not that squishy with a point in mana shield. How are you any more squishy than say a shadow fiend or sniper or drow or clinkz? You survive just like they do, good positioning, and then mana shield will bail you out sometimes. You'll be oom and have to go to base after.


                                                                                What mmr are you at that they gank you so much you can't get six? Hard to gank a dusa with ulti and mana shield.


                                                                                  Lol maybe don't build 5 helms would be a good start :-D

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    that too, ult and tp out or have support tp in. Dusa is pretty hard to dive. Really if you are dying it's cus you are taking fights you shouldn't and have bad positioning. Any carry will die if they're like at the enemy's t1 and the mid comes from behind to gank them.

                                                                                    The question usually for me is how do I get enough farm to come online quickly enough, cus that is rough if your mid gets obliterated and there's no safe jungle. A huge portion of dusa farm is from jungle.