General Discussion

General Discussionember blink

ember blink in General Discussion

    when do i buy it?
    how do i play with it?


      1: Whenever LMFAO wHo cAREAS HAHA Xd
      2: You put your remnant down then blink into enemies, use W, then zip back just like a kunkka would




          its smthng that u need to see, not to read about, if u want to actually understand it

          Pale Mannie

            Blink is awesome on Ember

            Miku Plays

              i remember people saying blink is trash on ember woooo

              Pale Mannie

                Dem memories
                even i said its shit lel


                  I think blink used to be shit on jugger too.


                    I myself have never went blink on ember, its waste of slot IMO, one time I've seen a guy play ember he went blink as last item.

                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                        Just get it after BF, if you are raping its good before BF tho

                        Livin' Real Good

                          I'd never make it on him, but I see pro's build it on him, so they probably know something I don't know. Dunno, would still not make it on him for pretty much the same reason Kitrak said, delay, delay...

                          The same reason why you want deso before blink now on TA most of the time, I remember being called a noob a year ago cause I said deso over blink was better, cause most heroes can't handle being hit by a pre 20 mins deso without melting. Ember is squishy af, and what does he have besides that? Damage, and he wants it as soon as possible, and if he gets it soon enough, the enemies that haven't even finished they're little second items are gonna get raped.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            you get blink after battlefury ember / deso ta.

                            blink lets you position yourself so that you can continue dealing damage i.e. if an enemy can initiate or continue to chase you even after having used remnant, having blink in a fight is like having extra escape remnants. you're not always going to have time to let all your remnants recharge to 3 for every teamfight.


                              After fury, basically you accelerate your farm a lot and ember is all about positioning, blink offers you just that.

                              If you really need defensive item after fury (i.e manta/linkens) you should delay blink.
                              Its always in my 6 slots on ember.


                                i never built it but i tried it 1 game after bf and it really widens your potential in anything: chasing, teamfighting, escaping. you can aggressively jump in and have a safe remnant to fall back to which you cant use when u use them to jump in for example. also farms jungle faster than dmg items

                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                    When u have 4 great teammates who are willing to support u all the way ember should only be used in parties of 5 otherwise dont play it in ranked ur only going to embarass urself


                                      the last time i saw rtz play ember he always went blink right after bots
                                      either way i think its a core item, a must get if u plan to go the fury build, only delay it for manta/euls i feel.
                                      blink allows you to have great farming pattern + cut waves very well
                                      allows you to constantly jump on supports with bolas with remnant as escape

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        i never have enough slots on ember, i don't use blink but i see its benefits

                                        Milei Presidente

                                          I use it when I go rapira builds to be untouchable

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            Rapiers gonna rape man