General Discussion

General Discussioni cant win anything

i cant win anything in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    I mean like wtf i cant win 1 game.

    Look at this:

    I simply can't win i dont fucking understand, i dropped 400 mmr already wtf


      Safelane in soloq is pretty dangerous place to lift yourself up, especially with such a hero like am.

      < blank >

        Don't play on sunday


          it's because you are dogshit, so everything is working as it should be, there is nothing you should be worrying about.

          Riguma Borusu

            stop picking am

            Dire Wolf

              Your match queue is all anti Mage, spectre, lc. Pick some heroes that have early game impact, pick something easy with stuns like wraith King, dk. Also idk the order of picks but am is NOT an od counter, it's actually the opposite since od has pure dmg to make am resist irrelevant


                From what I saw of the first 10 minutes, you played too passive in lane against weaver and omni. You let them harass you without hitting back or trying to manaburn them, you let omni channel a full clarity without cancelling it, and you generally only went for last hits without applying pressure to the enemy heroes in between. You have a blink for a reason.

                My advice, watch some high level AMs in watch tab on player perspective and try to do what they do.



                  Buddy, Ranked MM 2,217

                  You can't even maintain a positive ranked win rate and he's dogshit? L0L.

                  Oh nvm found out you are that ''tractor'' arab retard nvm it all makes sense now.

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                    im not your buddy, horseshit. say that one more time and i will stick your bicycle into your dutch ass. go smoke some weed now, hoping to get "high"


                      I think Minglee is the problem , maybe change your name to something like KappaRoss.
                      On a serious note, i think spam pick spectre and buy urn every game and call for fights when ur ulti is up.

                      Pale Mannie

                        Your team had Storm 4Head
                        Storm = autoloss


                          im not your buddy, horseshit. say that one more time and i will stick your bicycle into your dutch ass. go smoke some weed now, hoping to get "high"


                          THAT COMEBACK ROFL

                          Buddy you should re-do 9/11 but then in 9/11 in 2016 cancer retard lmfao ''gonna stick ur bicycle into your dutch ass'' ''go smoke weed now, hoping to get high'' implying everyone that lives in Holland automatically smokes weed, that's just like me saying all arabs are automatically ISIS terrorists, cancer downy lmfao.

                          And btw if I smoke I get VERY HIGH SKILL and not HIGH SKILL.


                            why is this arab talking? go join isis you terrortrashist


                              Trolls ehh! You just don't see any these days! :/


                                ^ You're playing dota for 46 years and you're still normal skill.


                                  EHHH? Trolls! what the fuck has that got to do with playing dota for 46 years? Ehhhh? Troll much these days?


                                    Who gives a fuck about the fact you can't win anything? Isn't that exactly what you told me?

                                    And people are right, picking antimage is asking for lose. Even tho you didn't do bad at all.


                                      You had really good hero dmg that means you fought a lot, while you should have pushed more. They had no real disable for you till OD got his hex, just look at their and your heroes. They had really strong teamfight and you had heroes like BH, Storm and Clock who are made mainly for pickoffs.

                                      If i was you i would tell them to gank Alche and OD while you could take ez towers and just outpush them. After they tp 1-2 heroes back, then you go and fight them. You need to make them play your game and run over map like headless chicken :)

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        Damn, you're tilted man, better to stop for awhile. Maybe relax for a day or two, then get on Dota 2 the next day after you clean your room. Clean environment always gives me clean results in most things anyways. Good luck.

                                        PS: AM is VERY TEAM dependent, you have to have decent non shit teammates that can last 4v5 for awhile without feeding, which most of the time isn't going to be the case, try using a more impactful hero, Also, safe lane kinda sucks now adays, try out mid and offlane maybe?


                                          I can't win games anymore I'm dead.
                                          I'm tilting really hard after losing my carry games...


                                          Then I was like okay i'll supp this round...


                                          I caught pudge early on at rune spot almost killed him he just ran into rosh and suicided, used all my regen so I had to go back. Okay no big deal, I have a smoke i'll gank mid... Camped for the perfect time, went in and my mid couldn't shackle for shit even though we preped for so long... I tilt and lost the game. I am so bad, I think i'll go take a shower now.. :'(

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                          saving private RTZ

                                            I know AM is team dependant but it was also my "main" hero while raising mmr and it worked for a while(mb because it was 6.84 so full of leshrac, storm etc)

                                            @Deadweight yea probablt should have pushed more.

                                            I think there are 2-3 big mistakes i did that game

                                            1st after we killed OD at some point so a dieback, we could have get megas but i tried to end the game right there so he manages to catch me without bkb(and hell, he hits like a fucking bus) while Throne was 500HP

                                            and the end we went for a splitpush but i decided to TP back, and on the end score table dazzle flamed me that we would have win if i hit the building(but i got scared because they got fortification). I think i will watch the replay to see if we had a chance.

                                            I don't think farming was the problem, i was full slotted(and i mean Moonshard + BoTs 2) at 43 min. I think OD just did not get punished a lot, and i took some fights without bkb, i underestimated OD's damage

                                            acc buyers in my team

                                              i told him what to do, suddenly win.

                                              THAT'S FOKKEN WEIRD AIN'T IT?

                                              saving private RTZ

                                                Ah so this is your acc blunt allright.
                                                That was my win, gtfo

                                                acc buyers in my team

                                                  Pfffffffff u wish shitnap

                                                  If i didn't say anything u would still dive and flame ur team for your mistakes. ;3


                                                    Allu taking advice from normal skill trash, seems legit xD nah for real, just rat dude. Rat is the answer for retarded teammates, people below 5k cant deal with good push.

                                                    acc buyers in my team

                                                      HELL NO.

                                                      6.86 and rat doesn't fucking work anymore. Believe me i tried. Fucking invoker, OD and spec pickers make it impossible.

                                                      why do u think do i play spec, omni n shit? :D:D:D

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