General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR bug

MMR bug in General Discussion
LFT AEF: Vynato

    Hi guys,

    My former MMR was 5310, lost 2 ranked games last night so I lost 50mmr =5260, I won 1 ranked game today and it says I gain 25, but my MMR is 5261 now... Why is that?


      game didn't count,but it didnt say not scored, happened to me once. or volvo hates u.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Sometimes it takes awhile for the actual number to update. It's been a problem ever since Source 2.

        If it doesn't update after restarting the client, then yeah, shit's just bugged.

        LFT AEF: Vynato

          LFT AEF: Vynato

            Up up u


              Magic happened, that's why.

              LFT AEF: Vynato

                Plz give me my 25 MMR back Valve