General Discussion

General DiscussionFeeding teammates

Feeding teammates in General Discussion

    How am I supposed to win when there are often teammates that just feed the lane. For example last game axe just fed 6 kills to juggernaut in laning phase. We didnt even start to team fight them. And then venge joined him. And of course centaur didnt want to be left behind so he fed as well. I know i am bad at game but what are these people? Playing safe when you know they can wreck you up?

    Riguma Borusu

      What were YOU doing while your axe fed 6 kills?


        Dealing with viper top, when i left to bot centaur got wrecked. Also those were not even ganks, just juggernaut with brown boots spinning into his face. Axe had 3 stout shields and no boots.

        Paid actor

          well u cant change others, and if by anychance in some miraculous way u change others than still u would win from others not from urself. So its pretty obvious the only thing worth botherin to change is urself :) (i wont say git gud coz that shit has become annoyin as fuck)

          Best of luck

          Riguma Borusu

            Well, "git gud" is solid advice as annoying as it is, there are however some games that are really hard to win against opponents of equal skill, so be prepared to lose them, but eventually you'll get better than that and be able to win games that'd be unwinnable by the current you. So just play, don't fret too much, try to win as much as you can and of course get better so you get better opponents and teammates eventually. I'd also suggest some replay commentary on youtube, so you can hear good players comment on replays by worse players, since worse players don't see what they could've done better.