General Discussion

General DiscussionThe best carry in 6.86?

The best carry in 6.86? in General Discussion

    Terrorblade :D :D :D :D :D : D: :DD:D : :


      Faceless Void with old meta(fast bf) is still were nice.And first skill is like weavers ultimate but with 6 sec kd.I think He is unstoppable.


        CK, Spect, Sven, good old AM hard as shit to deal with when given space

        On the other hand, radiance -phantom cancer and naga get the upper hand now in the age of split pushing/ tower defense vs aghs NP that is getting super popular lately

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            Faceless void is shieet.

            He lacks dps(thats why the build was glass cannon) but Backtrack allowed him to go for those gimmicky builds.

            I think a boots, manta, skadi, Satanic, MKB, daedalus(+ moonshard) TB is a pretty good carry. Can fight very well, can siege, can splitpush.

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              I Hanter I most fearless carry.


                actually some of the people in top 100 are consistently buying radiance on pl
                any idea why?


                  LD 12 slotted (ultra late) is scary as shit of course

                  6 slotted spectre with buyback gold and RO + divine in stash is gamebreaking tier

                  And naga plz you can outcarry and win against 2 divine dusa or slark without killing them, you can comeback from -40k xp without winning fights


                    Spectre is damn scary when 6 slotted. Although, as I found out the hard way in my last game Silver Edge does remove huge amounts of her potency.

                    Old Adi



                        Everything can be countered. Even the naga ult+tp. If you expect it, you have bkb, jump on her and cancel her tp. You'll still have a rough time killing her, but still nearly everything can be countered.

                        If I had to pick one though, it would be spectre. Unstoppable late. I'd say she was broken if she wasn't so weak early game.

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