General Discussion

General DiscussionGit gut with axe

Git gut with axe in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    Since i my dota new year resolution is get better with axe, can anyone give me tips and advices to git gut with axe?

    Reason is cus i gave up on undying (spamming him makes my braim hurts) and i wanna take a break from undyne.



      Win Yo Fagot

        want to be gut with axe ?? then u need my special automatic culling blade trigger script
        auto kill with ulti ez axe

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        Sexo Meister

          Is havoc's axe op?

          Pale Mannie

            Go offlane with him and learn to aggro creeps just by click-attack the hero even the hero is on the other side of the map. Melee heroes are so ded for Axe. Ranged heroes can fuck Axe up. Multiple units/illusion heroes are dead too.
            Vanguard is good when you get it in the earlygame. Crimson guard is only worth upgrading when they have a heavy physical damage lineup.
            Phase Boots are situational when they have high mobility and Battle Hunger isnt enough to chase them down. Otherwise buy tranquills to sustain in lane and make the enemy safelaner rage to their support(s).
            Blink is gud.
            Blademail is good when they're focusing you. Buy AC when your team has no other AC carrier. Whe your team has an AC carrier, then buy Shivas.
            Heavy magic damage? Build pipe.
            Heavy physical damage? Crimson Guard with any high armor item.

            Axe is quite bad after 6.83 with negative winrate and no recent buffs

            Pale Mannie

              I'm a bad Axe player and i shouldnt guide you


                You don't git gud with Axe. It's Axe who git gud with you. Question is, is he ready?

                Sexo Meister

                  thx goethe, dem advices r good


                  Ye he is ready, just like my second afro


                    Just backdoor if melee in ur lane and ward so sups dont join and fok u up. If ranged up battle hunger a bit more and try to take the lane closer to ur tower so u stand back and dont let em get close to u
                    U better have a healer sup with u (i like ww bc of his cold embrace but this patch ww is kinda shitty)
                    Then have mango with u
                    Get tranquil blink asap
                    Then build whats necessary
                    Let ur team know when u gonna initiate so they be ready
                    I dont think i should tell u the item build u gotta know.


                      Also be on the right side of the map, have map awareness, these kinda stuff especially bc ur the initiator



                        E I G H T T H OU S A N D T W O H U N D R E D M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S B O Y plays him like this - - >

                        Hope, it may help in skill build and itemization.

                        Sexo Meister



                          Sexo Meister




                              I love all those videos of Miracle, in fact a lot of these games on youtube I have come across have had me or another player I know in them. Stacking in LPQ or stacking with a bunch of garbage 2ks in normal MM doesn't make it a 7k game.

                              Its like showing a video of me kicking the shit out of toddlers at rugby, those youtube videos are garbage.

                              Don't offlane with him unless you know Axe like the back of your hand. Here are some tips.... don't back door, pull them.

                              > Pull the creeps from the lane (backdoor) but don't sit there pull them into the jungle so if you get ganked you can retreat without dying to the safety of your tower.

                              > Don't disregard the vanguard, if you can get a blink fast and you can feel it then skip the vanguard, otherwise it will help you be more durable in lane delaying your blink till about 12-15 mins which isn't that bad.

                              > If you're jungling gank the safe lane at 3, go 1-1-1 then gank a couple times but focus on your dagger which should be around 8-10 mins.

                              > My last game is probably the only one that is available for DL so download and watch it

                              You can add me but I am only online now and then as I don't have a PC rn