General Discussion

General DiscussionTo climb mmr at a rate >50%

To climb mmr at a rate >50% in General Discussion

    Is it true that if you want to climb the mmr ladder fast, you woud have to be the best player amongst the 10? Because i'm 4.5k and sometimes we have 6k players the match. My 6k player gets stomped by the other 6k player and so I have to kinda carry it. Wouldn't that too difficult to do on a regular occasion and make it harder to climb?


      1 time someone said that if u want to climb u need to be better bla bla bla and that if you lose games its because of u etc if you would be good you would climb no matter what, people hear this and spread this cancer to everyone else that makes any threads like these. It doesn't work like that, dota2, csgo, league, any moba you play is not only about yourself, sure you can be a very good player but trying to carry 4 useless retards is impossible, it's a teamgame not 1v5.

      Focus on your farm, that's the most important thing when you play mid/carry, high mmr players (6k+) know how to farm very well and efficiently without wasting any time walking around.

      Welt aus Eis

        you just need to be able to impact the game so that you consistently win >50% of your matches thats all


          Someone once said there are three types of games: red, grey and green games.
          In the red games your team will lose no matter what you do. In the green games your team wins no matter what you do. In the grey games though, you can be that deciding factor. The trick is to win enough grey games so your winrate goes over 50% resulting in a mmr increase in the long run.


            ^ I thought you would say in the grey games you were mad and abandonned lmfao.


              ^ lmfao

              Carrying 4 useless retards is just how you climb the ladder. You'll just have to accept this, play chill music and go full tryhard.


                ^ I mean I've done that before but it is stressful and doesn't always work. Some of them are really heavy I tell you, some even want to lose the match on purpose.


                  to climb mmr with sub 50% winrate would be the real challenge

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                      unless you're 6k+ in games where everyone is consistently lower than you just accept that sometimes you will get carried and will be the useless scrub. just try and minimise how useless you are


                        In 6k+4k games you simply need to have more impact than 4k opponents consistently
                        and despite being a carry player i don't agree that you need to go 1v5, it's about team advantage


                          Your Chance in 10k games played, that your 6k stomps the other 6k is 50%. Your chance on a accountbuyer in your team is lesser than having one in the enemy team, since you are not one. You must see the big picture; not only one game. The only thing you can influence is you and your attitude towards the game.

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                          Riguma Borusu

                            Actively work on your mistakes instead of hoping that they'll be fixed in the next game. I was actually told this by a 6k player, but I am kinda not really interested in climbing nor do I play ranked.


                              after i stopped really carrying every game, i stopped having 60+ winrate.
                              put more effort into it, play only the strong heroes, play only the roles you want to play if u want to win.
                              some retards say that spamming one hero is retarded but its like saying buying only ak-47 in csgo on t side is retarded and you should buy galil, shotguns or run around with glock.


                                You do not have to be the best player in a game to climb MMR. You mere have to be legitiamtely under-rated.

                                I know this because I have played in hundreds of games with players vastly better than me. I do not have to defeat the pro player on the opposing team to win. I merely have to get my job done and not feed. The other team will have a 4k player to match me and they will almost certainly feed badly. I will be playing a 5 position support and take up very few rescources while still getting wards up without feeding. I will cast my disable on someone before I die in a teamfight rather than doing literally zero like the enemy 4k player.

                                The principle is this: you must out perform your MMR rating. Now if you are at 5k or 6k in a high level game much more is required of you than simply not feeding. But the same basic principle applies you must outplay whoever is your equivalent on the enemy team.

                                If you want to gain MMR "quickly" and by that you mean win all games... well then you better be an incredible, future pro star and dominate the game. But if you want to just rise in MMR over time succeed consistently in your role and you will gain MMR. You will win the games that can be won.

                                I lost a ton of MMR from internet and PC problems from 4.1k down to 2350. When I finally got that corrected I have been gaining points back, now up to 3759. But I could not win all games even though I knew was better than all of the players in the game. Sometimes feeds could not be overcome. I won about 63% of games. When my MMR was very low winrate was about 80%, but as it gets close to a legitimate MMR my winrate gets closer to 50%. That's just how the sytem works.

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                                  ^ why did you keep playing ranked if you know that you will lose because of you internet/pc?


                                    Random reiforcement. There was no way to know which games would be unplayable until they were going. The first half of a game might be perfect, followed by 5 sec lag spikes for 15 minutes... then fine again if we had not lost yet. Besides that it was a different kind of challenge to win games when you can't see the game. I won one game as timbersaw, by simply farming vlads and then selecting to follow my team's juggernaut as if I were a creep. When a fight started, they would spend spells killing me allowing juggernaut to counter or escape as he chose. I could not see most of the game until 5 or 10 seconds after it occured, but we won.

                                    I think there are a lot of people playing in ranked games who are not really that intent on winning the game. I'm sure you can all think of lots of examples of people not tryharding as much as you would prefer. Simply not picking your best hero that fits the game is already doing less than what could be done. People play drunk, distracted, emotionally upset or with bad internet. And some people even play intentionally losing.

                                    To gain MMR you have to overcome all of the people who are not really trying to win. I think you get about 40% of games free wins, 40% free loses and 20% are up to you to decide unless you are vastly underated and can outplay the enemy like they are bots.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    Dire Wolf

                                      holy shit relentless you are a lucky son of a bitch, all of your recent doom games you got carried so hard. Wish my doom games were like that.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!