General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice, im stuck at 4,7 solo que

Need advice, im stuck at 4,7 solo que in General Discussion

    im stucked here over a halfyear,,
    my peak was 4,9 , never dropdown below 4,4..

    i can climb easily between 3k - 4k on my friend account ..

    so i guess i need insight from someone 5,7 ++ to put into my game,

    or anyone have any video that show how shit 4,7k are?


      ur just bad


        normal answer from normal person..

        Bad Intentions

          yo op, maybe u just hit your ceiling mann, but its still fine! ur still in the upper percentile of doto man be proud! :]

          D the Superior
            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

              you're not far from probably have the skill to do it. you just have to do everything a little better...most importantly:
              - pick a hero you can play and your team needs
              - communicate more with your team. help to improve the atmosphere of the game, make some calls. don't rage at players just be constructive
              - don't tilt.


                -Dont take your mmr to personally :)
                -dont flame your teammates
                -Pick what you team need
                -pick your best heroes
                -communicate friendly
                -if you frustrated dont play (solo rank)

                Good luck dude :)

                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                    I've been stuck here for ages aswell, managed to get to 4840 and then instantly dropped back to 4450 because of autistic cancer retards.
                    I'm climbing back now again though at 4.6k rn.


                      < >


                        CAN'T BE BLANK GGWP

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Cherrer Pak

                          Chi Long Qua , the best dota 2 player this world has ever seen might just be someone to guide u to 5k


                            git gud

                            Livin' Real Good

                              help guys i'm stuck at 6.9, can't break 7K barrier!

                              " You suck, maybe Dota isn't for you. " - dota community logic Kappa


                                u certainly dont suck. personally i have pretty much the exact same MMR progress like you but i dropped cause of meta change and nerfes to Chen which helped me gain like 200 MMR during DAC.
                                I dont know if that qualifys me to give u advise.
                                I suggest u analyze hero matchups with dotabuff and pick accordingly, ESPECIALLY when u pick a core. carry carry matchups and mid matchups can be rly influential.
                                Just try harder, always keep a good mindset, be more communicative, tell your allys what u gonna do. when i watch pros streams there is SO SO SO much more cummunication than in my 4,6 k games.
                                Dont JUST play your hero. Play dota as an entire game. Dont just focus on what u can do better but also look at the succes of your teammates. w33 and miracle players never do this but they play in another universe than u regarding mechanical skill. try to make decisions that help your team and not just yourself (such as: push a tower rather than farming an extra jungle camp, dont trade when u r playing from ahead, smokegank so your supports cna be involved in [u]winning[/u] fights and wont turn underleveld and underfarmed).

                                +stop playing pudge forever that hero is garbage.

                                get really comfortable with a pool of ~10 heros that can carry the game solo (AM, Ember, QoP, Wind, TA, Slark, WK, Tinker, Zeus, Lina, tiny, silencer) and announce ull take mid or safe at the start. dont pick early in draft and understand (hero mathcups!!!) which of these heros is the best pick (enemy pick lina? u go TA mid). if some ally thinks he should pick a core position early then pick a fitting support (also hero matchups!) dont be cocky and pick your carry anyways. if u 4th pick AM and some ass just 5th pick spectre u can pretty much report and call gg, just try to win anyways. if he is presistent just go to the offlane and splitpush all game or something, try to win EVERY game and swallow your pride. mute assholes and let allys prosper.

                                EDIT: i rose 200 MMR when i got a new Mouse. this is no joke. i dont know your FPS but more fps and better keyboard / mouse can defenetly improve your performance. 40 minute onward during 5v5 teamfights my FPS drops to 5-10 and its pretty much impossible to say play magnus like that and get a 4 man RP. so ur PC might be holding u back.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  @@Kappablanca good advise but unfortunately it doesn't work on Sea server :(



                                    yea on my way to climb , im feel suited with hero that can carry, initiate and can control tempo of the game..

                                    im begin to play middle lane role : simple crush the lane , the best place to understand and execute matchup ideas, and this role can give a some clue what good supports do..

                                    im not think the toxic mates is the enemy, i just consider them as the last option so far,

                                    as far am here, im notice too that people high 4ks are " very textbook" person, once a good enchanter ,chen , or bounty hunter online ,, they will be crushed in very humiliating way..

                                    my fps maybe about 100 , normal ping 40-69