General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease ban Techies.

Please ban Techies. in General Discussion

    Please ban him. And ban him completely. Dont even bother with nerfing him further, just BAN this cancer ebola hero from the entire hero pool, he doesnt belong in Dota. He belongs in another game. Idk what game. Maybe allow him on Russian servers. ATLEAST allow a mode -apnt All Pick No Techies. Would be great. Dota is the most boring game when theres a techies on either side, Dota is the most awesome game when theres no techies on either side.

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      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
      Optimus Drip


        Bad Intentions

          Yo op u guys won :D dats fine mann, took 2 hours but a win is a win :D


            People still flame 'bout techies, lol
            When will you finally learn to counter him...

              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                he was already banned, pick rate dropped to 0%


                  Kitrak - Did i lose to him? Lel.

                  Sano - Techies not even close to the least picked this month.

                  AltSk0p - Counter him? Why would i need to learn how to counter Techies when we still won the game? Its about how games turn out when theres a techies on either side, almost always long games, always cancer games, always boring games, always weird team fights, always allahu akbar hero that can suicide for damage lel. Makes no sense.

                  Bad Intentions - True. Nice winning when u put in 2 hours :P but still this hero ZzzzZzzzZzzz

                  Livin' Real Good

                    The hero is absolutely neutered like a dog, no worries anymore, just use a melee hero with a quelling blade and have some fun ! :D

                    I love how you don't take splash damage from destroying bombs anymore, that nerf was huge, but NEEDED, smooth sailing from here boys.


                      The games against techies will never take that long if you know how to deal with him, cause basically you'll play 4v5.


                        Altsk0p - Lol, you cant say whether a game will take long or not. Its not something you choose. "Hey guys lets end after 20 minutes, coz then thats going to happen".


                          Even if it takes more than that, its clearly not because you play against Techies.


                            Okay :)

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              One man's cancer is another's fun trolling tool.

                              That said, I might start picking techies again, see if i can rise to the challenge of winning with now-balless Squee Squall Spoon :D

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi



                                m9 ur problem isn't techies


                                  Nah im a noob Mokujin.


                                    Unrequited - Agree, but i cant believe people find it fun to play Techies :D Its just boring to go around and plant mines and sit there mining ZzzZzz. Atleast to me. But if people find it fun, sure.


                                      I personally find it fun. Placing mines where noone really expect them feels kinda like outsmarting opponents, just like with ward-deward stuff.
                                      Though with new patch the hero has to be a complete dipshit.

                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                        Toe: the fun of techies is psychological.

                                        Messing with people's minds. You kill them with mines in this one spot of the map, they place a sentry ward there, you plant somewhere else they dont expect.

                                        It's awesome.

                                        Plus he's not level or item dependent during the early game, and I love being in that shell (bomb casing? :D) where you just focus on fulfilling your objectives (mining the right spots / stacking) while people dance around their laning phase.

                                        Seriously though, I learned a lot about map control and efficiency playing this hero.