General Discussion

General Discussionlet's talk sniper

let's talk sniper in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Sniper has always been one of my favorite heroes, I actually liked him best all the way back in 6.81 when shrpanel hurt towers. Felt more like a natural pusher then.

    His pick rate is still high but I never see him in my games. Where is he getting picked all the time? Super low 2k mmrs or something? His win rate is down as well but do you think he can still function on the right teams? He seems like he'd be good at counter alch and he can kite him pretty well, has good physical dmg to counter his low armor but high regen. And sniper vs an alch mid is one who can probably stop him, having enough range to stay out of acid and quick enough attacks to still deny creeps in acid range.

    Seems pretty good against doom too since sniper doesn't really give a shit about being doomed and again, ranged physical dmg dealer.

    I've only played him once this patch. After seeing my teams picks it was a no brainer, look at that front line enemy team had to go through to get to me. At least 4 of my deaths were storm tower diving me at like level 6-10. which is unfortunately sniper's big weakness. He's so squishy and not mobile, you will still die under towers even in good position.

    CK definitely carried that game but I felt I did my part. I was crushing storm on cs early too, even though at 6 it's like an automatic gank on mid you have to watch for, I probably had double his cs at that point and a ton of denies.

    Is anyone playing him much this patch?

    bum farto

      Pretty hard to get off the ground, pretty easy once you're there.

      Dire Wolf

        How would you build him? I follow a pretty set in stone build, phase for move speed and cs in lane cus his base dmg is low, maelstrom for farm, s&y for hp and move speed. After that it's choices, can go uber tanky with skadi and satanic or a lot more dmg with daedulus, butterfly. But I wonder if vs some of the real popular heroes if it might be time for a desolator build. But that means you can't tank up later and man fight with skadi or dominator.

        Riguma Borusu

          Sniper's terrible against heroes that are popular right now, so I wouldn't really pick him much.

          waku waku

            he sucks atm, hoho, haha

            bum farto

              Building SnY on sniper is pointless stack attack speed, mobility and damage cause it doesn't matter how tanky you are if they close that gap you die.

              Riguma Borusu

                If you want something like SnY build skadi instead, and even that's questionable sometimes.


                  ^^ cant tell if you are being sarcastic about S&Y or not. It seems OK to me, but I wouldn't make it every game.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Riguma Borusu

                    I just feel in most cases you'd have a better way to spend the 4k gold it costs. But what do I know, I'm shit at sniper, and DotA in general, it's just that I haven't really seen it doing much for people in general, whether pubs or competitive, as in, if they have SnY, that they wouldn't do better with something else. It has a nice buildup, yasha already gives you some nice movement speed and you're pretty slow, maim is nice to chase people, etc, I just think investing into DPS more might pay off more most games.

                    I just feel that as a sniper you should be investing into lategame, and skadi's just so much better lategame, and having two heavy stat items like skadi and sny on sniper is pretty meaningless, sure that's a ton of mana which you don't really need that much, and sure that's a ton of HP which you SHOULD NOT need that much, but your damage will suffer, and if you're sniper usually you'll be the main damage dealer lategame, unless you've got something like SF or Ember mid.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      Sny deal more damage than skady.
                      You can argue that more mobility = less damage taken (and more dealt !)
                      You don't care of the useless mana pool.
                      You have the same slow, but it will just not always proc (is that really a problem considering how many hit you will land anyway ?

                      And that's not even counting for the gold cost, and the ease of building it up
                      you can also disassemble it for silver edge + manta (but those suck on sniper, so i guess we can forget about it).

                      If it's strictly about sy or skady, sy win all day long, no matter which stage of the game.

                      (unless you have dagger, but who can get dagger and skady anyway? sf mb, that's it (and don't call slark, cause dagger suck really hard on him) troll mb, but skady was a fucking fail on him anyway, just worked cause he was a bit too strong.
                      And last i can think of: juggernaut who can dagger + skady, but imo silveredge + manta is better on him.

                      Well dagger sniper can be a thing, but that fucking suck if you deal 0 damage (aka build skady) :p

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        SnY is one of the best items for sniper
                        a) its parts are cheap
                        b) at the point when u get sange (=very early), you benefit a lot from sustain items; enemies dont have that much burst dmg still
                        c) slow is bery good on sniper
                        d) move speed is one of the important things on this hero

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          How is moon shard on him (before being 7-slotted that is)? He benefits a lot from attack speed, and moon shard gives the most of it for about the same price as an S&Y.


                            moonshard and SnY are not substitutes
                            SnY is ur first item for mobility/slow/tankines, moonshard is purchased as 3rd+ slot and gives dps and nightvision (which is actually very important for aniper particularly given the high range of this hero).

                            well mb u can get it even as 2nd slot, cz u can afford skipping dmg items and go straight for attack speed thanks to headshot passive

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Riguma Borusu

                              Okay guys, I'm a convert to SnY now, I see the errors of my ways, which are many. I just didn't consider everything thoroughly I think.


                                think mjonir is miles better than moonshard

                                Bad Intentions

                                  Current core items needed by sniper to be competitive in this current meta are:


                                  And have a really good spidersense and alertness!

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  bum farto

                                    I have sometimes opted for maelstrom with moonshard over the mjolnir. My builds are pretty consistent and pre shrapnel nerf I used to build blink loads on him.


                                    Keep in mind I am not playing him as a carry 99% of those games it's offlane or smth.

                                    plz do

                                      le dagger seems rather inevitable, because dotka is about positioning and sniperino needs to stay back & safe.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I hate the mask of madness build. He is too squishy already.

                                        Sange hp boost on sniper is a ton. Sniper at lvl 12 naked has 796 hp. With sange he has 1100. Ehp is 1072 vs 1482. In terms of percentage it's a huge boost and will take you from a very squishy hero to where you can tank a dive now. Idk I feel it's core but that's just me.

                                        Mjollnir is actually kind of shit for how much it costs over maelstrom. I usually only get it cus of slots. Like I'll have boots, aquila, tp, maelstrom, s&y, daedulus and then finish mjollnir over selling aquila for a bigger item.

                                        I used to sweat by skadi cus you are unkillable with s&y and skadi and your proc, but you also do shitty dmg. I usually skip it now.


                                          I fucking love Skadi so I built it quite often on sniper

                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                            Mind Games

                                              I need Sniper to get back in the meta again so I can fucking sell this shitty mythical set of his in the market because this hero is complete dogshit and I dont think I'd be interested enough to play him and equip Bindings of the Shooting Star in-game. Dotes is all about cosmetics boiz


                                                sniper is a hero i love too. he's definitely a lot weaker now since the nerfs - below average imo. but you can make it work if you have good positioning and a team that's willing to tp/tank some damage for you.

                                                SNY is pretty core on sniper, it's like how you get it on SF. normally my build is phase -> aquilla -> mom -> maelstrom -> yasha -> sny. From there it's a matter of adjusting to the game. BKB if you have to, skadi for melee heroes you can kite. silver edge for pa or bb etc. or even daedalus if you really want to lay down the damage.

                                                his early game is quite bad now but like storm if you can get a decent start, then he farms well and can dish out a lot of damage once he gets mom

                                                The Ice Truck Killer

                                                  I'm gonna go with position 1 sniper, deso+blink+necro 3 (insert mek/euls/atos somewhere), push down a lane of rax. Run with a strong mid hero or idk, lycan dp or something. Maybe with a shaman support or a naga support or good offlane techies

                                                  If this becomes a thing you heard it here first, if not, kappa.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                    Wise One

                                                      Another trash hero

                                                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                        plz do

                                                          talking about trash... if seen u on rtz stream kitrak.


                                                            more trash comments


                                                              Sniper can be a thing with crimson edge - passives shutting down from the range. Overall SnY moon bink/shadow into crimson

                                                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                  crimson edge - would build 32/2


                                                                    wtf u mean Dagger sucks on slark u high AF matrice

                                                                    plz do

                                                                      crimson edge xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD


                                                                        lol get out of caves trolls ... like u never missed a thing :)


                                                                          lol get out of caves man... like u never trolled someone for missing a thing

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Sniper's shit. He does pitiful damage for a carry. He is only good super late where people want to drop their dagger for other items or if you draft an entire lineup to protect him. Or at least remove the Shrapnel delay please IceSalamander it's ridicilous.


                                                                              In that order: Daedalus, Skadi, Boots of Travel, BKB, Moonshard, Satanic, MKB.

                                                                              P.S. Be tough! Arrrgh!

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                The shrapnel delay is way too long and the cd way too long. I think they should scrap the charges and make it 12 second delay or so it is pretty shit right now unless you have three charges up and that takes like 2 and a half minutes


                                                                                  Ok, Phase boot + MoM+ SnY + Shadow blade + Disassemble SnY and build silver edge + Crystal + Desolator + First Daedalus or First Manta after. That's it. Build Bkb and sell MoM whenever you need.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Dominator is a tough one too, it's not needed at all for farming, jungle clear your range is so long they don't touch you even without moving. It's just for manfighting other carries and you should be hitting them from a distance. The lifesteal is marginal then, the armor wasted. It seems a little costly, though satanic late can be nasty and make you unkillable.


                                                                                      sniper pickers are fahgits


                                                                                        @Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Wtf, ah sorry dude I want to write MoM not Dominator. Reconsider this build

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          oh well yeah that's a legit build, I'm just not sure if I prefer it.

                                                                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              That's what I'm saying, alch unless he goes blink is not an initiator, doom is but his initiation doesn't really hurt sniper. who's gonna doom a sniper? Storm and blood were real killers but they've been nerfed a lot.


                                                                                                I did not play sniper on a while, I just played and was awesome game. But I build different style cause there is a shadow blade sf and pudge in enemy team and the build that I said to you not will work to enemy team.

                                                                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                                  Dominator on Sniper is not that needed for the lifesteal, but (other than stacking camps for yourself) you can dominate a wolf for +30% damage aura. The wolf should be safe when next to you, even if they throw long nukes it still has 1400 hp. But it also depends on your follow-up items. If you don't get at least aquila+yasha it's not as valuable until late game (most people also prefer phase over treads on him). But you'll at least not upgrade dominator until you have 4 other big items + boots normally (maybe even eat a moon shard first), and the aura will only get stronger by time as you keep getting more agility from levels or items.

                                                                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                                      ye it was c9 vs vg but c9 played that game so fucking badly its almost unfair to use it as an example lel

                                                                                                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı