Parasorkitte 02.04.2017Predict Mine ayy lmao pls im suicidalⱤenShin 02.04.20173.5 is max calibration, your vhs dont mean shit anymoreZardecil 02.04.2017@Dovahkiin, try support morphling. That way if you team ends up terrible then you can transition to a core.+ 03.04.2017 this account is my friend how he get vhs if we got 3.5k max calib + 03.04.2017Guys im really confused about this fucking new max calibⱤenShin 03.04.2017you're a stupid fuck then if you cant comprehend that even if he gets vhs in UNRANK GAMES when he calibrates the max he can get is 3.5 you stupid piece of shit dumbass dogshit no brain animal+ 03.04.2017assholeGrandGiper 03.04.2017Скажите по какому принципу вообще распределяется скилл моей игры?Funkymonk 03.04.2017Hello everyone I would like to know if there is anything I can improve to calibrate higher MMR. johan 05.04.2017predict my mmr pls..ty :)Happy Bunnie :) 05.04.2017Predict mine doc joferlyn simp 05.04.2017^i refuse to call a little rabbit offspring as "bunnie" well bunny (get it right fa.g) id say your mmr is >5k!Prtn.Azc</3.Frvr 06.04.2017Predict My MMR PLEASE, TYVMKanna~ 06.04.2017predict mine please M 06.04.2017up.....Lawliepop D06.04.2017If you want your MMR predicted, please predict someone else's. ^ Clearly 5k Dark King 06.04.2017predict mine , thanks .M 07.04.2017.........NOT GOOD ENOUGH 07.04.2017@blind to it all, probably 3.5-4.3IceCREAM 07.04.2017pls predikt kappa_ 07.04.2017Can anyone predict mine pls.dead 07.04.2017@injoker, 3.5 you might be wondering why?, well it's because 3.5 is the max calibration now so vhs dont mean shit anymore HAHACrystal Maiden~ 07.04.2017can someone predict mine?Ramtin H 07.04.2017Predict my mmr and tell me what heroes to spam for ez mmr i already have 1 win with specManipulator 07.04.2017^low 3Ks but the max calibration now is 3.5k so it doesnt matterd3pravity- 08.04.2017How about mine ? :(MANLOZ GWAPO 09.04.2017predict me Maximus 09.04.2017^2.3k-.5k ^^same Bu yorum düzenlendi 09.04.2017Resolution 09.04.2017Can some 1 predict my mmr thxResolution 09.04.2017Can some 1 predict my mmr and give me a good advice thx u sir Resolution 09.04.2017Can some 1 predict my mmr and give me a good advice thx u sirАркаша 09.04.2017If yоu want knifе? gо tо Му сhаnnеІ! supp 10.04.2017please predict my mmr guys thanksKidDin 10.04.2017Yorum silindi 16.04.2017Kanna~ 10.04.2017predict mine :3Maximus 10.04.2017*dragon 3,2k-3,5k *brabbit 2.9k-3,1k *tanya 3.3k-3.5k depends on your performance in your tbdjohan 10.04.2017predict my mmr pls!!...have never played ranked..pls guys ..thanx in advance!!faw 10.04.2017^4000+ edit: i forgot limit is 3.5k, so, 3.5k Bu yorum düzenlendi 10.04.2017cLaRkDieL 11.04.2017Plss predict mine i need some advise also how to reach very high mmrMaximus 11.04.2017*ralph it doesnt matter when you got vhs or not 3.5k is the limit you cn get 3.5k if u work hard and easily climb to 4k if you belong thereınvōdk4 11.04.2017Predict my mmr please. sad supporter lifeWhoa... 11.04.2017i play for lulz Maximus Decimus Meridius 13.04.2017Help me know what my hidden mmr is bros Maximus Decimus Meridius 13.04.2017how can i get very high skill normal games then? Hellus^ 13.04.2017Can i get 3k with this? I know 3.5k is max calibration. Predict mine plzzNormal Skill 13.04.2017can someone answer on how to get to VHS then?5 13.04.2017wahahahahaahahahahahahaha dead 14.04.2017To get vhs you must be responsibleBu yorum düzenlendi 14.04.2017d3pravity- 15.04.2017@kira, 2.5-3k i guessd3pravity- 15.04.2017@ ınvōdk4 3.3-3.5kLütfen yorum yapmak için giriş yapınızSteam ile Giriş Yap
Predict Mine
ayy lmao
im suicidal
3.5 is max calibration, your vhs dont mean shit anymore
@Dovahkiin, try support morphling. That way if you team ends up terrible then you can transition to a core.
this account is my friend how he get vhs if we got 3.5k max calib
Guys im really confused about this fucking new max calib
you're a stupid fuck then if you cant comprehend that even if he gets vhs in UNRANK GAMES
when he calibrates the max he can get is 3.5
you stupid piece of shit dumbass dogshit no brain animal
Скажите по какому принципу вообще распределяется скилл моей игры?
Hello everyone I would like to know if there is anything I can improve to calibrate higher MMR.
predict my mmr pls..ty :)
Predict mine
^i refuse to call a little rabbit offspring as "bunnie"
well bunny (get it right fa.g) id say your mmr is >5k!
predict mine please
If you want your MMR predicted, please predict someone else's. ^ Clearly 5k
predict mine , thanks .
@blind to it all, probably 3.5-4.3
pls predikt kappa
Can anyone predict mine pls.
@injoker, 3.5
you might be wondering why?, well it's because 3.5 is the max calibration now
so vhs dont mean shit anymore HAHA
can someone predict mine?
Predict my mmr
and tell me what heroes to spam for ez mmr
i already have 1 win with spec
^low 3Ks but the max calibration now is 3.5k so it doesnt matter
How about mine ? :(
predict me
Can some 1 predict my mmr thx
Can some 1 predict my mmr and give me a good advice thx u sir
Can some 1 predict my mmr and give me a good advice thx u sir
If yоu want knifе? gо tо Му сhаnnеІ!
please predict my mmr guys thanks
predict mine :3
*dragon 3,2k-3,5k
*brabbit 2.9k-3,1k
*tanya 3.3k-3.5k
depends on your performance in your tbd
predict my mmr pls!!...have never played ranked..pls guys ..thanx in advance!!
edit: i forgot limit is 3.5k, so, 3.5k
Plss predict mine i need some advise also how to reach very high mmr
*ralph it doesnt matter when you got vhs or not 3.5k is the limit
you cn get 3.5k if u work hard and easily climb to 4k if you belong there
Predict my mmr please. sad supporter life
i play for lulz
Help me know what my hidden mmr is bros
how can i get very high skill normal games then?
Can i get 3k with this? I know 3.5k is max calibration. Predict mine plzz
can someone answer on how to get to VHS then?
To get vhs you must be responsible
@kira, 2.5-3k i guess
@ ınvōdk4 3.3-3.5k