General Discussion

General DiscussionEarthspirit Players

Earthspirit Players in General Discussion

    I love this god damn hero and i will dominate the game and shit on the enemy if given solo mid or solo offlane. I cringe everytime my team picks 5 carries and I have to play him as a support hence my sometimes 15+ assist per game. I believe i can be considered as a decent earthspirit player but i would like to have some more advice as to improve on this rolling hunk of rock even more.

    Livin' Real Good

      Puppy, if you're reading this, you better not comment on this thread, or else.

      Mind Games




          yung griphook

            watch miracle on the youtubez

            he can do no wrong


              play it as support (4)

              don't offlane plz



                Ill play him as pos 4 when i need to but i dont understand why i shouldnt offlane with him. Sure i can be zoned out by a good enemy support but at most games the enemy supports will sometimes disappear and if i hit 6 i instantly rape the enemy hc and start buttraping kids ass all over the map.


                  why do all the retards from us servers call the carry hc


                    What do u call the hero that takes farm priority in the safelane then? Icecream carry? Farm Carry? Chicken carry? Last Hit Carry? If you dont call them hard carries wtf do u call them?


                      i play him pos 4, until i get lvl 2 to roam, Q+W to get kills on mid

                      I don't like him as offlane, cuz the impact isn't enough to win a game alone

                      like 3 patchs ago, when the ult and the Q was op

                      Gem Gem

                        1. max stun before pull
                        2. skill 1 1 1
                        3. preferably go offlane because the hero excels at ganking, where as baby sitting safelane doesnt allow you the opton to gank, (try gank mid when your lvl 3)
                        4. going mid is alright and usually you have high impact early mid game, but the hero doesnt scale well into late game
                        4. i like to play him as pos 4 early game, then transition to pos 5 mid game, because he literally needs no items to have impact


                          lmao dude you call him a "carry" like there is no soft carry, slow carry, middle carry, gayboy carry for it to be a hard carry.
                          its just Carry


                            i too mainly play es as pos.4 support**...but since im in the shit 2k bracket...people barely know what his skills are and how es is played :(

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                                Typical Earth spirit player.


                                plz do

                                  hard carry could also lead to confusion w the offlane, which is sometimes referred to as hardlane.