General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is it called solo q...

Why is it called solo q... in General Discussion

    if I always get matched with 3-4 stacks. That's fucking retarded. Those are always terrible.


      you know what they say, normal matchmaking >>>> wooo, nobody gives a shiiit


        Play ranked


          3 man stack are usually retards lol
          other stack sometimes good sometimes bad, but 3 man stack are usually horrible


            unranked is not real dota ffs...

            average kebab enjoyer

              Normal MM is actually not called 'solo q' - so there is that.


                i normally roll with a 3 man we almost always win it's whenever i go 2 man or solo that i get peope that are retards i can almost never try a new hero in pub recently i've been trying to do ember spirit and i almost always do good in lane except my last game i went against a razor and he won the mid against me i've only started playing ember recently