General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do u do in these situations

What do u do in these situations in General Discussion

    What do you do when you have 10-15k gold but already 6 slotted? Can you buy anything else? Some items ud sell for other items? I just feel like the last 30 mins of the game i didnt progress whereas the enemies teams carries got better and stronger and we had a rough time trying to push against tinker and most on the team were playing solo. So whats the situation? How do you get out on top in that kind of game?


      get bkb, refresher and hex
      tp to lane, use illusions, drop manta, take hex, have fun
      fight using bots, ult, hex and abyssal; die, buyback, use refresher, use bkb, drop bkb, tp to fight again
      use additional couriers to spam ur manta as 7th slot and dropping it whenever its on cd
      shadow blade is insanely good if u r able to swap items with courier really fast
      etc. etc. etc.

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        Rat doto best doto. Eat a moon shard maybe? Ensure you have always got buyback. A lot of higher level players will get things like refresher late so they get double BKB and Abyssal.


          WOw Hayling, completely forgot about moon shard! Ouch. Could have made a difference maybe.

          Triple - Which of my items would u swap for a BKB? :)


            i didnt even mean u can swap them to bkb, just when tping to fight, you can press bkb b4 using BoTs and drop it immediatly. still 7 secs of magic immunity tho.
            actually id say you can drop either heart or bf. the rest is too important.
            also i assumed u alrdy had moonshard, it is way more important than any other 7th slot cz u can always hold it.

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              True. I will look into that next time. If i get in this situation again ofc.


                just note that all of these are just luxury stuff, and usually it is better to re-optimize the set of items you already have rather than getting 7th or 8th slots (f.e. if enemies went for mkb's on all the physical dmg dealers, it doesnt make much sense to have a butter anymore, and u can just go for rapier/linkens/bkb/hex or whatever else is needed).

                linkens is also a legit 10th slot cz u can activate and drop it.

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                  necro3 x2 refresher + manta in chicken

                  use necro manta, refresh, use 2nd necro put back everything in chicken, sent them in suicide push mode.
                  buy octarine for lower cd on refresher !

                  If not enough,
                  Buy tons of dominator and make an army of creep that you'll send later (or take every aura creep of the map + iceogre) to full buff you.

                  And ofc, buy the wards so your support can get a little more gold. (or even better, give them sentry to sell (if that still work)

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                  Livin' Real Good

                    Most people always forget about Moon Shards.

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