General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst Blood Rage

First Blood Rage in General Discussion
Mr. Bow wow

    Hello guys,

    First time posting in this forum although ive been here quiet long and i have fun reading different insights and tips on how to win a game.
    My problem is when i play a game and i go mid (or noteven mid) and the opposing team get to firstblood me... majority of the game, one team mate will say "ok gg", "wp mid", omg stop feeding, something like that, and it really affects my judgment and decision making after i return to the lane,.
    I will start to be extra careful and paranoid that if i will die again, my remaining team mates will join the wagon and blame me the entire match. which may start the flame war...which also affects on how i farm/roam since i will tower hug almost always.

    The pressure is really bigger for me if i insisted to go mid.

    Result is i tend to go support although i can think i can play decent mid if i have a fair start or i wont just got blamed early when i die.

    Help me How can i avoid the scenario, how to deal with that very motivating team mate, and how to counter that roaming mirana... thanks


      mute em

      Sup m8

        Mute em. Seriously. Makes dota much more enjoyable.

        Sup m8

          And for mirana, just buy a ward for yourself if you dont have any. It only costs 75 gold.

          Mr. Bow wow

            i guess muting them was really the best option. Thanks.

            But Is it ok to call one support/hero to be with you on mid if is the situation is somewhat at your disadvantage?


              It's ok to ask for a gank but they shouldn't be babysitting you mid.

              Mr. Bow wow

                yeah i bought wards too but i have encountered players who positioned themselves thats somewhat unpredicatble for me.... its hard to focus killing/denying creeps and watching out for that unexpected arrow. the ward helps a lot but not all the time... you can cover only maybe 40% of the area vision early unless you put all the two ward on mid...

                Mr. Bow wow

                  @steror yeah i worry sharing exp when they baby sit for a while, since the enemy will outlevel me... and that will still put me on disadvantage.. maybe if we succeed killing him that was the best solution but thats is too situational and seldom happens you know... they put wards...


                    you should probably position yourself so that a ranged or siege creep covers you from the blind side


                      Just watch the timer (nighttime daytime), who's missing, and don't stand on lowground too often unless you have to

                      Mr. Bow wow

                        @DelCredere thanks... i almost tends to forgot siege creeps is not immune to spells now..
                        @amarin definitely right.. standing on low grounds put me on bad situation many time already... you cant even see enemy heroes ganking you from behind because that..


                          Practice your lasthitting skills.