General Discussion

General DiscussionFUCKING TRASH

FUCKING TRASH in General Discussion

    GOES PARTY, RUINS GAME AND COMPLAINS. surprise surprise my whole team muted, not so strange WHEN 2 OF THEM ARE TRASH FUCKING PARTY


      Downloading replay as we speak. As I said, I'm studying it, in case I ever need to re-enact the worst SF performance ever. EDIT: The fact that you needed to resort to personal attacks instead of being able to criticize my gameplay, kinda proves me (and the others) right.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        CRITICIZE? i pinged you all fucking game and you were never there, WHAT ELSE DO YOU FUCKING WANT!


          i thought skim was like 2k lol


            "i pinged you all fucking game " - ah yes, the classic "walk into 5 heroes and ping after I die" ping.

            @hotsalza: I do sometimes play like it. Hence my Invoker winrate

            Livin' Real Good

              This is why you be careful who you play with from Dotabuff, everyone here belongs on Team Secret. (the original team secret)



                Livin' Real Good

                  That invoker win rate tho. XD

                  If it makes you feel better, mine win rate with him sucks too big guy, but for some reason my KD doesn't, weird.

                  This thread is fucking hilarious, it still has more potential, keep it flowing.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    ^i'm just bad at Invoker, that's it

                    < blank >


                      Livin' Real Good

                        Oh, okay.


                          "worst SF performance ever"
                          Impossible, Benao is very good SF player when not feeding.



                            < blank >

                              idi nahui mudak


                                PIZDETC BLYAD

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  Your team has so many team fight ults, if you all came together, would of been epic. o_o


                                    i dunno, but honestly its the best thread ive seen since bbcode died


                                      Stout Shield on Tidehunter = easy report, no questions.
                                      +wasted observer ward, that didn't block spawn.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      < blank >

                                        I want to order an McBlyat and a medium Cyka sugar free


                                          @soultrap - yeah i didnt realize until after it was too late. I went into lane and was like "god damnit". no gg ring

                                          EDIT: should probably mention/add: I'm not denying I played bad, didn't do so in-game either. It's just this SF performance was so incredibly questionable, despite a good start (pretty good farm vs WR/Riki, gets double kill). But then proceeds to go into Mask of Madness + Shadow Blade and basically plays by himself.

                                          I feel like, if your four teammates agree with one another, who btw weren't all in the same stack, it can't just be your four teammates that are wrong. Just my 2 cents

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            normally tidehunter buys a stout against have physical dmg in the early stage of the game and sells it once he gets lvl 4


                                              Guess who tp'd bot

                                              Answer: NOT THE FUCKING OFFLANER
                                              Guess who tp'd/fought after sf goes in FUCKING NO ONE, especially not that fucking tide.
                                              ASK ME HOW MANY FUCKING RPS INITIATED THE FIGHTS, ANSWER NONE

                                              ask me how many times he ultied and i was dead. EVEN IDK BUT IT WAS EVERY FUCKING TIME.

                                              sure sf poor performance. It's not like there's a ROAMING PUDGE, SF BUYING WARDS EARLY GAME, WD FEEDING (5K PARTY OF TRASH SKIM 4,2K PARTY) and THAT FUCKING LUNA THAT LOST SAFELANE who i WON THE LANE FOR. Buttttt nooooooo, fucking trash sf, not like riki and wr were my bitches until min 10 yeah SF FUCKING TRASH. IF YOU WERE FUCKING DECENT I WOULDVE GOTTEN SB MIN 13-15 not fucking 25 you fucking disgrace but then again. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK BOUGHT THE GEM?= FUKCING SF AGAIN RIGHT AFTER SB BUT HEY, SF IS FUCKGIN TRASH!"!!


                                                You're actually so hilarious


                                                  hahahahahh all i see is "FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING"

                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                      And out of spite and trash teammates i took it out in the next game too...

                                                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                          Thanks for reminding me that I need to mod this thread as well: I advise you, that if you do have anything meaningful to say, to not use that foul language

                                                          EDIT: Also I'm actually German

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            dude... you know how it is...


                                                              would be even funnier if you actually were a decent player, but this clown fiesta is pretty good, too


                                                                @skim read between the lines, i'm neither your friend/relative nor someone paid to teach you how to understand!


                                                                  deletes the post to hide the truth.. sad story


                                                                    well, it was pretty tough to read between the lines with all the caps lock.

                                                                    and I disagree, you have taught me something: How to play an incredibly bad SF.

                                                                    Please use the edit function instead of making double posts


                                                                      When you're so bad you can't even recognize skill you stfu, acknowledge you're way over your league and DO AS TOLD, simple!
                                                                      but don't worry if it wasn't you it would've been another. I have nearly 100% loss with party players in my team. They are just that bad.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        whenever there are party players in your team, there are also party players in the enemy team


                                                                          just sayin'


                                                                            ^ that's jsut a crazy coincidence, and clearly the other party players are always better


                                                                              It's never about the enemy for me. It's about the teammates. I could face 6k's with 6æs and win most of them. I'd losenearly every 3k vs 3k with me a another guy, same mmr on the other team


                                                                                so you admit that it is caused by your problems related to communication and interaction with other people?


                                                                                  It's related with me not putting up with the shit other people do and things NOT GOING MY IDEAL WAY.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    well, i suppose that this stuff is part of what defines your dota skill, too


                                                                                      i mean, if u suck at dealing with ppl/get mad to fast/take shit too serious, it will affect ur mmr negatively cz you gonna lose matches you are not supposed to lose if you had positive attitude

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        "It's related with me not putting up with the shit other people do and things NOT GOING MY IDEAL WAY."

                                                                                        so basically, he just doesn't like communicating at all. haven't heard a single word from him until the game was over

                                                                                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                            i love undying spammers


                                                                                              you should be glad i didnt say anything. I would've flamed from min 0 but i restrained myself! the only thing i said, which i couldve gone on and on and i realized min 0 was: "WD 5K=2K". and i was obviously right because that noob was 5k party mmr = low 4k noob that can't really play dota.


                                                                                                @meka link me the spammer, i might've played games against him (db+ shows it)

                                                                                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                                    He is 5.8k solo btw

                                                                                                    then again, he's a filthy Visage spammer. probably wouldnt be 5.8k with any other hero (he says so himself)

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