General Discussion

General DiscussionDaily dose of me complaining about retards

Daily dose of me complaining about retards in General Discussion

    Very high skilled 4.5k ranked game

    Winter fed whole game and abandonned
    Axe useless whole game and fed
    Legion useless whole game, no impact at all and 28 damage from duels at 40 minutes.
    Wraith King was ok.

    And then there's me.

    Giff me Wingman

      Mid so hard that SF was able to ez carry the game.

      Who was mid?


        hanter u bad bro, realize it


          Zeus was mid, I went 4-0 on him mid, if Sf was mid against me he would've died way more than 2 times.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          Giff me Wingman

            u should have focused SF down early, only option 4 win.


              Sf was safelane farm, he actually died twice and I believe those 2 deaths were to me because I remember me killing him atleast once.

              We had basically no vision whole game because WW was buying wards but never planted them so I'm not gonna walk into a jungle without vision so I can get killed and feed more gold to enemy team.

              saving private RTZ

                Imo that game you might've been better going for a bkb instead of mkb and then daedalus. Or just bkb + mkb.

                Why? If riki smoke's you, yea you can turn to fight him but you cant really kill him fast enough without your Q. Also even if you got enough damage he still has WW on his side, Treant, Alchemist stun etc, imo they got way to much defensive abilities for you to be able to sit in smoke and fight them. So going for a bkb so you can actually run away with E( yea they might have vision but you still have MS)

                Same with Hex for me, you cannot focus anyone for 2-3 seconds because you will just get stunned/ they sill get embraced, attack blocks from treant. Daedalus would've been probably better so you can actually kill smth fast enough before heals/stuns.

                also, i dont understand, seeing your team items why would you even continue to fight, when its clearly you cant. That game should've been you backdoring them as soon as they leave base.

                now ofc thats easier said than done, but i still think you would have had higher chances.

                And anyway, it might not work even with those items/ splitpush due to your team being so much behind