General Discussion

General DiscussionFix this retarded mute system....

Fix this retarded mute system.... in General Discussion

    I have just about 3000 games, id guestimate that ive been muted in about 2200-2300 of these games. This is so retarded like seriously. The most important thing about this game is COMMUNICATION, and you get the ability to communicate taken away from you if you get enough reports, not necessarily if you have done something wrong. If someones flaming, then you can just MUTE him, why should he be muted for the next 168 hours just because he accumulates a certain amount of reports?

    I was so sick of being muted all the time, so i tried not speaking for 15 games, and when i tried typing again i was muted even tho i have said NOTHING. Saying nothing got me muted too. So this automated report system is just ridiculous since u can get muted for saying nothing, whats the point in punishing people by muting them?

    It shouldnt be possible to be muted when your teammates can just mute you if they are tired of hearing you.


      if your teammates report you, then they are probably angry at you. if they are consistently angry at you, you are doing something wrong. if you are doing something wrong over and over again, you deserve to be punished.

      the realm's delight

        pretty sure matchmaking system has to be fixed first, not mute system


          Dude, I'm toxic as fuck, and I've only been muted for like 100 games or so.

          You must be yelling way too much. I only just tell my teammates their faluts and scoff them when they fuck up. You must be really bad at not getting muted.


            Triplesteal - If they are angry at me, they can just mute me. Its really that simple.

            Mhysa - Disagree but ok :)

            Soul - I maximum get 2-3 games before im muted, then its back to 1 week mute, and im not even flaming. Im just raging sometimes, lol.

              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                you are toxic. live with it.


                  Rocket - EXACTLY what im trying to say. Im toxic and ill live with that, and if other people have a problem with it? They can just mute me! And we're all happy! :D

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  King of Low Prio

                    the mute system is retarded, should just put ppl in LPQ instead because having muted people on your team ruins the game for the next 4 ppl


                      You talk too much. Now S t F u and stay muted u fat fuk ( . _ . " )

                      Pale Mannie

                        You can get muted from volvo?
                        Now i solved the mystery why people have such selfmade [muted]-tags in their names.

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          Why do you wanna flame your team anyways? It's just demoralizing and could make them play worse than if you tell them more nicely what they're doing wrong, since they'll just be annoyed at you and lose focus on the game.

                          Making enemies out of your own teammates in a team game sounds pretty wrong too, but that's dota pubs I guess.