General Discussion

General DiscussionWant free MMR? Pick doom.

Want free MMR? Pick doom. in General Discussion

    So from Jug spammer, to bloodseeker picker... now its DOOOOOM.

    Get on the inflation train while you can boys, 7% pickrate currently..... give it a good 2-4 weeks and cue the reddit complaint threads about how OP doom is now.

    Btw if you max Q on the offlane youre autistic and deserve a loss.

    I'm a shitty almost 5k scrub but if you want tips feel free.

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    Giff me Wingman

      it's exacly as OP posted. Pick doom, max w over q, rek offlane, ez pts.

      -> get stout, tango, RoP. Turn RoP into Basi, Get Phase, run everyone down. Get blink, aghs, Aurashit. Wingame.

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      the realm's delight

        yea this hero is pretty retarded. glad to have doom cancer back into game 4Head

        its always cool playing 4vs5 games

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          If any 2k scrubs are interested in playing doom i'll say this.... if you're scared of using different creeep spells or dont know what most of them are you're probably gonna lose your offlane imo. So go look at a wiki or watch a video on it, If you go level 1 alpha wolf or thats the only creep you think is any good good then KEK.

          For anyone else looking to improve i recommend this guy

          Spamming doom mostly and hes 6k, he also had a 14 win streak the other day.

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            i thought you are not supposed to go 50 0 if you're and offlaner no?


              ^i thought so couple of years ago, too


                I never said go 50-0 rofl, just doom wins his lane hard atm since at level 7 he has 48 regen/dmg + you can choose from + 5 passive regen or + 8 armor troll, making you hard as fuck to kill.

                Well lets look at the offlane role, the best type of hero atm which wins games is someone who can fuck up the safe lane farmers farm and possibly kill him. (undying etc). People cant deal with that shit and go on tilt.

                And generally heroes like timber (youll know this Steal) are shit until you have 6 or basic items and then scales well into the late game. Obviously this only applies if the other teams dual/ tri isn't retarded and actually tried to zone you.

                Well Doom has stupidly strong early at level 3 with two points W with easy kill potential if a support gets out of position and is also amazing late with aghs or aghs refresher.


                  you guys have issues with perceiving figurative speech


                    Tbh on dotabuff I tend to take what most people say seriously like they mean it. Generally most people are retarded and have no idea how to use sarcasm and shit.

                    When the forum consists of 50% "what mmr will I get calibrated at threads" ive pretty much given up :P.


                      ^Dont waste time giving advice to 2 and 3k bracket.. No body has any idea about laning or positions. Its always pick 5 carries and get each other killed. Or better still random a shitty hero and die 50 times.


                        ^just a quick comment mate.

                        every time you pick spectre you give the enemy a 56% chance to win


                          ^And thank u again for making this a personal issue. Problem is u dont understand that i am also in the 3k bracket and 90% of the games i played specter was before patch 6.80 when spec was buffed to a buffoon. Also not once did i claim to be the master of Specter or any other hero for that matter ^ ^


                            ^i just commented mate, cuz you talk about 3k's like you're not one of them.
                            tryin to keep things real mane knowhatmsayin


                              basically you just said "i don't have any idea about laning or positions. i always try to pick a carry and get my teammates killed. or better random a shitty hero and die 50 times" seems funny to me mane


                                exactly! Now u get the point.

                                So some nice guy says he has some pointers for doom and u mock him. Some other guy says normal brackets wont make use of it and u go after him too. For some one in the lower 4k bracket u sure are cocky mate! Good luck nursing that retarded brain of urs. And for starters I was hoping u have better thing to do in life. I sure regret getting into an argument with a brainded idiot and wasting precious minutes off mu life. Gl with that attitude :)


                                  Is 1-3-1-1 viable? You will be able to kill lvl 6 safelane carry when their support tp for rotation?


                                    thanks for the insults mate, sure got me!
                                    and btw as i said i was not being literate, i will spell out the meaning for you "a hero that can go 50 0 in offlane (doom in this case) is not well balanced".


                                      idk why people so salty, i was never being salty/mocking in the first place mane


                                        you were the one mocking 3k's/yourself actually

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          Just go for 4 4 0, doom has a really piss poor manapool. Once your 2nd skill is up, run down the piss poor supports down.


                                            Yea I'd say thats fine, i just prefer going Q after W just for the greed more than anything, i mainly make sure i have mana for my ult + W and its generally a kill anyways but getting a point in E wouldnt be terrible so long as W is maxed by level 7. I mean generally you wont need E early because it'll be rare you need to stop a tp, the extra dmg + minibash might help you kill someone quicker but if you have phase i think W with 3-4 points does enough.

                                            Again im like 4.8k so my opinion might not be the best, i recommend watching this guy if youre someone who likes to learn from replays, hes 6k so could be good for you takodoro.



                                              as the guy says above and basically as i did too just go 4-4, lvl death isnt much use early really. Thats the short answer anyways instead of my long drawn out one :P if you did go E though i dont think its game losing, it just doesnt benefit you much thats all.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                This hero & techies should be perma deleted from the game. Again this cancer is OP as fuck. If not the hero, delete this absurd Scepter. It's the most imbalanced ability in the game.


                                                  @imprecis u mad? just wait till i doom you twice with aghs refresher just be to a dik Kappa xD, i agree with you though.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    i will try this thanks :)


                                                      i will go 2301 build. and farm phase, agh, blink or sb and cuirass, shiva and tarrasq wish me luck


                                                        i miss my old tranqs blink vlad shivas ac doom that shit was soo fun


                                                          how can you have 800 seeker games and not be fucking embarassed to be in the internet

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            Because i play what i want and dont give a fuck what people think? I'm pretty sure you seem like the type of person who cares far too much about other peoples opinions? kappa.

                                                            Good old sano bashing people as per usual kek, we cant all be pro like you.

                                                            Anyways theres people out there with 2k seeker games and theres even a guy whos 4.3k with 8000 slark games... in comparison 800 seems rather small, Worry about yourself rather than other people.

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                                                                  2015 and people still dont understand trashtalking

                                                                  Sexo Meister

                                                                    time to show off doom set while wrecking offlane with a slap on the face!