General Discussion

General Discussionthis meta's heroes

this meta's heroes in General Discussion
Sexo Meister

    so what do u think is the lina, lesh and storm of this meta?


      Lesh is never picked. Lina still good mid but meta has a bit changed so theres better option, storm still stronk.


        ^I don't think you read the question right


          He asked what do we think about lina, lesh and storm.


          plz do

            ^ oh lol, the troll is real

            Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

              time to stop picking ez heroes and actually learn to play the game

                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                  In all seriousness, QoP is a solid pick -- maybe even a meta pick.


                    Against Qop get meepo. Cant blink out. Ez food.


                      please dont make spectre famous :(

                      Elo - Hell

                        Windrunner, TA, Spectre, Qop


                          Storm is total shit now. Don't know what are u talking about. Nearly as bad as 6.84 Terrorblade. Hero is kinda dead for now.

                          Leshrac is still strong, but not imba. Lina still pretty much the same hero. SF stronger than before. Gyro pretty much same the hero.

                          Spectre is by far the strongest hero in the game currently imo. She is nearly as broken as Lesh, Troll were.

                          Other broken heroes are Antimage, Undying, Doom, LC, Venomancer. Terrorblade also seems very strong now, but probably not same tier as heroes I've mentioned.

                          Strong heroes, but not broken (good to pick) - Ember, Riki, WR, TA, Clockwerk, Bara, CK, Tiny, Ogre, QoP, Tinker.

                          I probably forgot to mention some heroes.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            pick alch mid get free mmr
                            if u have something like a brain
                            literally freewin 9/10 times

                            Giff me Wingman

                              Doom, qop, spec


                                @imprecis, spectre the new 6.83 troll? Nigga you cray.

                                Troll could solo safe vs a dual off and rape em both, spectre needs babysitting for 15min. Troll could early rosh with quelling, spectre can never rosh solo unless like 6 slotted lol. You dont really build lifesteal on her. Plus she farms way slower even with radiance.

                                Troll was top tier of all the broken hero patches.

                                the realm's delight

                                  LMFAO i lold so hard at 2nd and 4th replies***

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    I'm going to go ahead and say Veno will be seen more and more. Hero is incredibly strong pre-BKB phase.


                                      antimage spectre nec are the heroes

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        Grom - Spectre doesn't need farm to rape the game. That's the biggest problem. You buy Aquilla, PT, Wand, get some lvls & u just gank constantly via Haunt. You shoudn't farm on her much tbh - she is a mid game monster. She is very tanky with minimum farm & deals a lot of dmg. If she survives into late game it's nearly always autowin. She has higher win-rate in pubs than Troll had at his peak. How can top5 hardest carry in the game have 60% win-rate in pub ? How is that even balanced. Hero is totally broken. I played her below my skill level (party games around 3.5k, I'm 4.8k solo), feed on purpose mid, played like retarded & it was still easy as fuck. I played her mostly mid, died 2-3 times in 10min with shitty last hits, but getting back into the game was so easy via Haunt. Hero just plays itself. I think some people think she is balanced, coz they can't build her (brown boots into radiance, afk farming for 15-20min etc.). You just build strong early game items like PMS, Aquilla, Wand, PT, Orb of Venom, Blademail & constantly win teamfights with those items, then you get 25-30min Radiance & win.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          60% winrate in pubs doesn't mean shit when the game is balanced around tournament play