General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow Ranger

Drow Ranger in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    When u pick her?
    How do u play her? Splitpush/teamfight depending on your&enemy lineup?
    What items you usually get?
    What builds are the best ones? I saw plenty of games with max aura and silence, 1 point in slow, rest stats, and going SnY, later Skadi, or just max frost arrows and going like SB/Blink, lifesteal(hotd, MoM), manta etc

    Ya Benao, im talking to you mainly :P


      Aquila > Treads > Morbid Mask/Mask Of Madness > Blink > Sny/Manta and then you pick what you want or just what you need in that game.

      The blink is really really good in early game, if you position yourself well you can get a 3/4 man silence and just dps them all down together with your team & it's good against a storm or qop if you have a fast reaction you can quickly blink away.

      I never max aura, I've had multiple times where I could get a solo kill on QOP/Storm/AM but they all managed to get away with 50 hp because I didn't have a high enough silence level (was 4-1-4-2) after a while I found out that it's better to go go 4-4-1-2 at level 11 instead because you don't really need the aura, your silence is more important in team fights and solo pick offs.

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        wouldn't you go mom when you wanna buy blink?


          ^ Sometimes I do go Mom and sometimes I don't, it just depends on whatever I feel getting

          But yes MoM would be my first choice.


            you just 5 man deathball take objectives together, get stuff that adds bulk/teamfight like sny/skadi/manta/bkb etc so that your team can save you if you get jumped on

            if your team is crumbling or something then go some dagger mom split push build or w/e


              Best build is MY build but depending on the game and strats you can use some that the pros use like max aura and stats or some other weird shit and go sny and shit.

              tango+salve+slipper+3xbranches for carry
              tango+wraith band for mid (due to slots and less harras + available courier for more tangos)

              get boots first -> elvenskein boots -> gloves of haste. Get aquilla, get drums. get sb min 15.

              skill passive, frost, passive, silence, passive, ulti, depending on what you need like an sf mid, get frost arrow level 2 instead of passive 4. kill him!

              get gem after sb right away if they have an invis, someone that went sb (prob sf) or mirana or whatever). After that get bkb, need to get some balls. Now it gets tricky we're about min 25 into the game and you want to finish by min 30 and people are starting to get items. Depending on how you "can" and "will" finish the game you need to adapt your build. Late game? go butter and shit, fast finish go manta and shit, gay people on the other side? get diffu!! Possibility to take the game but hard to get close! (sometimes i necro 3). Got a good carry or midder to secure the game? a dagger might be what you need. etc etc. When i feel like it and the enemy takes mid storm after or before my drow pick mid, i rush the same but instead of 15 min sb i get an orchid and follow with a dagger 2 min later. Storm is crippled the rest of the game and you transform into your own storm. You also force him to bkb, he's useless just farm slowly and follow storm wherever he is, better with teammates. Anyways, get regular items and finish.

              I pick her whenever cause fuck it, I can handle mid anyway, same with carry. Mostly. And if it sucks, like dual or trilane, ask them to elave you alone. Here's your skill that's important, how good you are at leeching xp, farming and protecting your tower while against them and hoping your team wins your offlane! You still help with your passive and you got pull to disrupt.

              Play her with balls, you're the initiator! make space etc. If they group farm and get away and farm and get awaym basics. Sometimes i get mom just to finish tier3 and rax because i get focused too much and need to heal inbetween like with ancients and stuff and then go at it again but i advise to refrain from madness. You don't need lifesteal! just get tangos. Also you can finish roshan like min 12 by yourself with lifesteal if you want to but its usually too risky unless your offlane is doing good. When i solo him i usually wait for sb min 15 or somewhere around that time with a tango or 2 and then finish it. But the invis shit first, you got enough dmg and you can doubleclick it and doubleclick tp and you're out!


                You're supposed to zone off the offlaner!

                I usually do that mid too, don't worry too much about a few last hits level 1 or 2. Just hit tha fucker from an afk position(you get 2 or 3 in a row and creeps don't focus ;) )


                  with boots first you get away and as you get them that early people can't really get that close to you ;)!

                  grow balls and show who's the boss in the lane, etc


                    All while farming well which is the most important for drow at least until you get level 6 when pewpew is doubled?


                      Benao drow is the only way to play drow.

                      Here is how it works: Stat by maxing Aura, Build like you are going to fight, Get mad at your team, Flame in all chat, Scream at your cat, Report your team, Start to feed, punch your screen, Cut your hand, Go to the doctor, Get told you need anger management, Hit your Doctor with a lamp, hide the body, Go back Home, Start a new game, pick drow.

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                        ^ Lol exactly.

                        Nowadays drow is like food served with bagels and smoked salmon.


                          Benao how can you only have a 1.91 KDA on Drow lol.

                          the realm's delight

                            how exactly does drow kill sf at lvl 5, if he lands 2 razes on u and 2-3 auto attacks u're dead lol
                            only scenario i can see drow solo killing sf that early would be if u have a dd or haste and he is trying to cs from lowground on ur highground

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                              hate this hero :)



                                2 reasons:
                                - Pushing down towers alone that leave him out of position, but a tower is a tower.
                                - Intentional feeding


                                  pick drow to counter sf mid