General Discussion

General Discussionnew accs boys

new accs boys in General Discussion
Obe 1

    looking for some new accs boys to play together till 50lvl
    all acc i'had(7or more)i calibrated solo were 4.8-5.4 mmr, now wanna play party,coz solo is boring
    vhs only pls


      i am 9k




          makin 10 more new accounts seems the way to go.

          what an incredible waste of time


            why? ez $


              Hello, I am a 3.2k mmr player. But I play better than 4k mmr. MMR is just broken. I am even better than 5k mmr players. My Team just always sucks so hard that I can't Carry. I think I going to contact Steam support because I actually deserve 6k mmr. Steam Support need to boost me on 6k mmr already so I can play with the pro gamers like me. I am better than 80% of the pro gamers and got 3.2k mmr only because of bad Teammates. I don't deserve this.


                Hello I am new to dota here. According to the forum I will calibrate at low 3ks or high 2ks. I would like to play with someone experienced like u if that is possible. I do not consider myself pro lvl as I have played only a few games. Basic mechanic wise, I have learnt alot of it through watching my friends play and letting me try last hitting and being forced to be aware of the minimap and stuff. I am mainly a support player because my friends always yell at each other for a lack of good supports on their team. I havent had the chance to play with my friends yet because i feel like I am not good enough to be playing with them so that I wouldnt be a liability. Your input in my games would be appreciated.

                Obe 1

                  i didnt say that i play better then my mmr is. i have 5600 and its nice for me,i remember i had 5800 and even fall down to 4800. but now im 5600. wanna ask why am i creating new accs? i just selling it to retards like , thats all. they're rdy to pay big money to play on high mmr?
                  well why not. im playing on diff acs, and i dont care about all accs i had. just imagine 1accs is 5000UAH(im from ukraine) its 250$ per month by sitting near comp and playing yr favoitite games.maybe y didnt understand me in my 1st message,srt for my eng


                    i would like to play with u but then i need a new acc, also im not that great but i can support well

                    Doto Nova
                      Yorum silindi

                        i calibrated my dick at 9 inches

                        No giggities?

                          Just by looking at your games, you're nowhere near 5k on your main account not even 4k.

                          Obe 1

                            aahahaa, nice joke bro, sry no prof, i've sold it, just (if y so fucking interested)add boys from my last games, they're already 4.9-5,2 y kiddo