General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm surrounded by idiots

I'm surrounded by idiots in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    17:21 - 1234: I painted my pc black so it runs faster, but instead it has stolen my chicken
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: W
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: a
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: t
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: t
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: e
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: h
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: f
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: u
    17:22 - Mid or Duallane Mid: q

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      HEREEE COMESSS the Idiotsss


        I kek'ed


          only in france

          lm ao

            Blunt stop drinking coffe for a while


              hey y u not On on steam sauz?

              lm ao

                Yow my father brought me 3 loaves of French bread last night and I was like Oh gee wow sum fancy stufff to eat, only to have all my bicuspids gone in the process of chewing afterwards. Is that shit supposed to be as tough as rubber??!!?!?!?!?!

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                waku waku


                    apparently he bought this chicken in KFC


                      blunt ur a weaboo

                      jus chillen

                        weaboo ur a blunt


                          california love u r gotvet

                          jus chillen

                            what if i told you that gotvet is actually my smurf?

                            < blank >

                              Mind blowing