General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinions on Vanguard Anti-Mage.

Opinions on Vanguard Anti-Mage. in General Discussion

    I think instead of vanguard you should go drums.

    That is, if you want to play early-game anti mage.... But I don't see the problem with buying power treads/PMS/Magic wand and going into battlefury... you can easily fight with those starting items. tread switching agi for wand use helps too. (Gives you ~25-100 more health)

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    Giff me Wingman

      idk, drums do get his dmg and manapool up, but his tankyness is way worse. Vanguard makes AM much much more tanky than drums. I don't see why people don't build bfury on AM after vanguard tho, i mean Bfury is not only a farming item on AM but also his main push for ratting in case shit goes south.


        drums is bad for a hero who pop in and out of the jungle he needs a form of sustain

        Giff me Wingman

          not entirely, if you position yourself properly and wait for your time to use your ult decently then you can get away with being squishy. Drums isn't the worst shit ever, but i would go vanguard over drums, since it allows u to go more yolo.


            This reminds of the old days YOLO axe with 2 vangs :)


              Never seen axe with 2 vangs, sounds nuts though.


                it was b4 the Great Vanguard Nerf


                  2 vangs sounds like a low priority game to me.


                    Trust me axe used to stack vanguards in pubs


                      it was more than 5 years ago tho
                      done it myself a lot


                        Well ye i've been only playing since late 2013 (started in november) so yeah don't know much about the vanguard stacking, tbh it's still a good item IMO.


                          VANGUARD IS A BAD ITEM
                          why would you want to buy bad items man, not cool

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Is it bad on bristle too? I feel like with a level 4 Bristleback he doesn't really get any physical autoattack damage when attacked onto his back, if he gets vanguard early.


                              ''Vanguard is a bad item'''

                              >Comes from a guy in normal skill bracket

                              Riguma Borusu

                                And less than 50% winrate in that bracket :x


                                  hanter you know the only reason why im still in normal bracket is because I am too busy fucking your mother


                                    how do you define the word "Fuck"


                                      Man of Steel, that's not the reason.
                                      It's because you're bad, that's the reason.


                                        I wonder how can someone whos best play is to hook enemy hero with a pudge talk trash about other people dota skills


                                          You're in normal skill with below 50% win rate

                                          Get out of here lmfao.


                                            Oh sorry little buddy I feel so sorry for telling you my opinion because I totaly forgot that thats not what you wanted to hear
                                            I mean to say Oh good job boy you are so so clever vanguard on antimage mmmm sooo smart mm thats sooo smart, maybe your stats suck dick but im pretty sure that doesnt matter because you are in a high skill bracket and you have VANGUARD ! WOW! I mean you should pm burning that he was playing am wrong the whole time maaaaaaan
                                            so smart
                                            such high skill


                                              You went from fucking my mom to making jokes in a ''doge way''

                                              I rest my case, I deeply feel sorry for your parents that they've raised such an autistic imbecile.


                                                what did you say about doges


                                                  You know Hanter all I need to do is check for what names you used in your past to know you are a toxic piece of shit so your words dont suprise me.
                                                  Just a standart dota fuckboy waiting to hit his puberty

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                                                      you guys are hilhareuyhous


                                                        Hey man I can play this insult game forever but I didnt start it

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          I wish some people laid off drugs sometimes :(


                                                            You know Man of Steel all I need to do is check in what bracket you are to know how bad you are.


                                                              You need to step up your game buddy, try insulting my parents or something like that you dickhole because all I need to know is that you are building a vanguard on a fucking antimage to know that you are some 2k mmr trash that got to high skill bracket by accident just to fuck everyones game up

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                                                                ? I calibrated at 2k mmr now I'm at 4.7k.

                                                                You calibrated at 2k? and still 2k? XD