General Discussion

General Discussionthought on BKB

thought on BKB in General Discussion

    Like the Title on the topic. i want to know how usual you are to bought bkb on your game? ( carries ) do you always build it or you always look for their lineup first

    usually i always bought bkb. so i can dishout my damage and not getting kited / controlled.


      Depends on the lineup. Generally, you won't need bkb, if you play against 5 bristlebacks or something, or if you've got omniknight in your team.
      But statistically I build bkb like every 4 out of 5 games, cause noone is gonna pick 5 bbs against me.


        depends on lineup . E.g. in yesterday's match i dont normally donot make bkb on void but had to make it against dazel centuar puck etc


          for me bkb is making me little more tanky +10 str is good. and magic immunity is something. you won't be nuked down for at least 5 second while you are dishing damage to their bodies. i love this items and always try to get it. regarding of lineup i think


            other than fighting its a nifty split pushing item to abuse when enemy dont have any instant stuns + bkb piercing disables.

            Livin' Real Good

              Terrible item, very useless. :)

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                well there are still a lot of heros which have disables and u cant avoid them using bkb


                  Depends on the enemy's skill and number of stuns per Hero.

                  If they have 2 stuns on one Hero (Lion, Shadow Shaman, anyone with 1 stun + vyse) or continuous stuns (enemy team, likely a stack, is good at chaining stuns or Tinker + vyse), then I need BKB. Otherwise, I prefer linken's on heroes who prefer stats/HP (Sven, WR, Weaver, Medusa, etc.) or no defense at all (against the 5-man carry teams).
                  I know I don't biuld it as much as I should, but at my bracket, there are too few (competent) supports so I can usually just allow my teammates to take the enemy initial stun and I'll counterattack.

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                    Depends on the hero and the enemy lineup.
                    I play naga siren, and i never buy bkb cause is a shit item for her. Same for lets say spectre...
                    But if you play something like SF or PA bkb is needed in almost every game


                      ^ Indeed Exactly. depends on your hero , opposition hero , items and lineup . No sense on Bkb on meepo also lol