General Discussion

General DiscussionBest 2 Combo Heroes that can actually wreck pub

Best 2 Combo Heroes that can actually wreck pub in General Discussion

    what are you thought about 2 combo heroes that can wreck the pub

    i am thinking about huskar + winter wyvern combo on pub. since high magic resistance on huskar and fucking immunity from cold embrace. lock and slow from WW can fucking help huskar in dishing his damage.

    what are you thought?


      dazzle is the classic wombocombo with huskar.

      Miku Plays

        weaver and witchdoctor

        legion and io

        visage and lifestealer


          weaver best combo is treant. with living armor and shukuchi and lvl 1 geminate he can kill anything and snowballing


            AA and Venomancer


              Riki dark seer Kappa


                Axe counters any Huskar combos.

                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                    i don't know about axe countering huskar combos with WW since WW heal up to 24% of huskar life. and those percentage is something cause huskar is str heroes and mainly build str items - tarrasq - halberd - and the others. so just little space for axe to culling him


                      Tuskarr + Any other stunning character.

                      King of Low Prio

                        Zeus mid BS jungle. You won't lose the jungle and its pretty hard to lose mid lane as zeus. Once you hit lv 6 madness begins

                        King of Low Prio

                          Plus u can have your BS stack hard camps for you

                          Dire Wolf

                            "Zeus mid BS jungle. You won't lose the jungle and its pretty hard to lose mid lane as zeus. Once you hit lv 6 madness begins"

                            I was going to say that, zeus pops ult and bs goes to max speed instantly. You can use zeus ult to init vs finish off enemies.

                            BH + spirit breaker is quite good too, setup major ganks.

                            If you had five people and really wanted to drive enemy team nuts, zeus, bs, spectre, bh, sb. Non stop global ganking.

                            And you can't go wrong with classic kotl + pl. Major lance spam. It's strong. Or drow + luna + visage. You'll be hitting for like 150 level 6.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Kotl Leshrac
                              Kotl Phantom Lancer
                              Wisp Tiny
                              Wisp Bristleback
                              Huskar Oracle
                              Slark Oracle


                                huskar omni
                                meepo silencer

                                Low Expectations

                                  Ive once won a game in 12 min with Huskar + omni,dazzle, oracle and wisp
                                  No AA no win


                                    leshrac undying


                                      @Dire Wolf
                                      Don't forget to cast Bloodrage on Zeus.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Axe and undying offlane will wreck everyone too. They cannot fight you and you can cut lane


                                          slark oracle is no longer that much a thing, but yeah oracle huskar, basically impossible to lose.


                                            Like Soultrap said, Bloodrage on a zeus with aghs, refresher, and a veil can be devastating


                                              First time I witnessed this was golden it wiped out 3 of the 5 heros and the last remaining two had below 200 hp and I was thirsty like a mother fucer with blood seeker so they died a few secs thereafter , such a easy wipe, other team had more late game too but that combo just shit on them once me and zues hooked up.


                                                ^ My brother and I won 7 party mmr games with that Zeus mid and Blood jungle.

                                                It was too easy we decided to practice a Magnus and Gyrocopter combo instead and lost 5 in a row :)


                                                  If u combine an undying with it u can have a really strong lane with seeker undying as well. (Would be 3 people then though :))This way u can stop the enemy carry from farming and dont have to worry about their late game

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    oracle + huskar. Most retarded shit i've ever seen.


                                                      Well most of combos that are mentioned here are to shut down single player or 2 player. If opposition has counter like stun or disabler then they can be handled.

                                                      I feel AA+ES is a sick combo . Also the one who mentioned AA+venom combo. One simply need to wait for their bkb to die , combo and an instant rampage.

                                                      KING KONG

                                                        fucking aghs naix and pudge rekting ppl..


                                                          tusk techies


                                                            tiny techies. throw onto mines - win early game - have a late game carry with 100 assists from the offlane + the other farmer has nothing. :)


                                                              For low level pubs Elder Titan + Medusa. Aura + stomp for easy Medusa ult will result for teamwipe with couple splitshots. Really strong.

                                                              lm ao

                                                                Who picks Elder Titan in Normal SKill unless it was randomed?


                                                                  lesh undying

                                                                  Das Claw

                                                                    Axe + Blodsekar is pretty hillarious offlaning.

                                                                    Bloodrage on Axe with counter helix is obnoxious.


                                                                      Brood + 1

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        You just need to win your lane to win pubs, so just get Lesh + 1 or Wisp + 1 and have an easy game.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          What's so good about husk + oracle? Sorry I know nothing about oracle.


                                                                            his ult is basically deny all damage and dealt when this ult duration end. all healing when ult duration is doubled

                                                                            huskar have fucking great regen from 1st skill, so doubled with that and huskar is immortal. i don't know the ult still give invis while attacking or not


                                                                              techies + tusk offlane

                                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                His magic resistance from berserker blood has great synergy with false promise + flames as well, since he won't take much of the nuke damage and instead heal for lots. Huskar's also a hero who does not want to build BKB (since magic damage doesn't do much against him), but sometimes has to because of mass disables. But with false promise all the bkb-blocked disables will be purged quickly anyways.

                                                                                They're just a great loving couple.

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  oh I see, I never fully read how false promise works, I knew it delayed dmg like kunkka's ship, but I didn't know it healed first.

                                                                                  -At the end of the duration, False Promise first heals the unit based on how much heal and regeneration it blocked, times 2.
                                                                                  -After the healing, it deals damage (as HP Removal) in one instance based on how much damage it had blocked. This damage is lethal and credited to whoever dealt the last instance.

                                                                                  So you will only die if you took over twice as much dmg as you did healing. If huskar has 100 str and is below 40% the whole time his Q will heal him over 2400 I believe with promise up.

                                                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                    Nvm "all the bkb-blocked disables are purged". Disarms (Halberd/Deaf Blast/Edict) are only blocked by magic immunity, but can't be purged, so would still fuck him up without a bkb. That's pretty weird.


                                                                                      Any roaming support with a disable

                                                                                      Any semi or hard carry with a disable that can chain with it.
