General Discussion

General DiscussionTrying to get better

Trying to get better in General Discussion
George Soros Protester

    I'm a shiltord and i'm trying to get better. I've dropped from 3.7k to around 3.2-3k since I calibrated mostly due to inconsistent play and well being shit. I'm now going to stop auto queueing after each game I lose and hope Gaben has mercy and I get a good team, instead I will be doing things different.

    I'm going to study games like my last invoker game where I lost 19-5-19 and figure out what I could of done to win that game, vs. if I might say so one of the best SF's I've personally went against. I lost that game even though I played "well" overall by putting myself in bad positions mostly.

    One of my main issues is I follow my team even if I know it's a bad call or if a player gets caught out I'll try and save sometimes and end up dying. If I keep playing like the shitlords I'm queued with I will continue to be a shitlord period. This is the hardest thing for me having a competitive team background and I need to fix it.

    I need to study my hero pool and make sure my timings are as good as they should be, I personally feel I farm okay but it can be improved 100%.

    Now my questions for you guys,

    If you're trying to go mid and you CANNOT get it for whatever reason what do you do in this situation to put yourself in a position to still win?

    Any tips you can put in words to up my GPM and XPM without relying on teammates?

    Am I insane for going into fights I'm pretty sure we can't win but do so anyways? Inexperience doesn't help but I think I need to follow my gut more.

    Anyone think paying for lessons is worth the money?


      pick bara and u become bashlord instead


        i believe you're overthinking it. and about taking fights you can't win. if you know you aren't going to win the fight or get a pickoff don't join it. splitpush and farm. most people at that ranking spend too much time grouping up and running around pointlessly when you could be farming an item for an advantage on the other team.

        George Soros Protester

          It's hard not to overthink the situation when you're losing more than winning. It's depressing even, something needs to change.


            By "go mid" I assume you mean with Invoker. I have seen a lot of players in High Skill games who like to play invoker and can do some things well with the hero but consistently lose games. You seem to be an example of such a player.

            Judging by your build you appear to be focused on getting pick-offs. Invoker is very good at picking off a hero, especially the way you built him. But you many need to focus more on getting towers. This manifests itself in two ways. First try to take fights and get kills when the lanes are pushed so you can follow up with a tower. 2nd take advantage of forged spirits and constantly be pushing lanes to get into the situation where if you win a fight you can take a tower. Any time forge spirits are up, they should be out scouting or pushing. Most invokers walk around 80% of the game with full mana... use it.

            You got 24.2k hero dmg and only 1.7k tower dmg. Killing towers wins the game.

            Consider the constrast here.

            I dominated this game with Krobelus, but did not succeed in taking enough fights near towers. So I lost.
            24.8k Hero dmg 2.1k Tower dmg

            We won all 3 lanes early with ganks and rotations, but once they grouped up it became very hard to win teamfights. I focused on keeping the lanes pushed and hitting towers every chance I got even if it was just with manta illusions. So I won.
            18.5k Hero dmg 8k Tower dmg

            Even in a game like this, where my team fed from begining to end... enough pressure on towers and you win.
            27.9k Hero dmg 11.2K tower dmg.

            The game is won by taking towers, if you are not doing that then whatever you do will eventually lose. You can take them either with a group and push siege, a split push, a farm up then push, or a gank and push strategy. But in all cases you must turn whatever you do into tower dmg or you lose.

            All decision making should be done like this: Can I safely do some damage to a tower now? If yes, then do it. If no, then what must I do to get into a situation where I safely do tower dmg? Then later on switching to If I die applying more dmg to towers and rax can they counterpush before I'm alive? If they can't counterpush, then take the rax and risk death to finish it. Often the best thing a carry can do in a team fight at the base is bkb and focus down the tower/rax while everyone is fighting. Thats the whole point. Kill the rax first, heroes only need to be killed if they are stopping you from killing the rax.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              To add to the above, that's where OP's thinking of xp/gpm valued so highly is a fault. It matters in getting your mmr to calibrate high but not to win necessarily. (which is the thing needed to maintain/get higher mmr)

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              George Soros Protester

                By going mid I just mean, it's not always an option so if you were trying to climb where would you try to position yourself, mid-carry-offlane-supp-jungle how would you prioritize this to put yourself in a situation to win? I know you can't really generalize in a game like dota but yeah...

                Thanks for the great post Relentless and thanks Jungle for adding, I guess I do prioritize farm way more than pushing.


                  Find ways to make your hero flexible if you do not get mid. For Invoker, he needs levels. That is mostly why he goes mid for solo xp. You can achieve the same thing by roaming and ganking as soon as you have two spells, cold snap plus one. Since you can attack from ghost walk, its possible to roam very early and get kills for your levels. Control the runes and make your lanes win.


                    I'm sorry but roaming Invoker will not work. He moves far too slow for it and I can't imagine attempting to ghostwalk to bypass wards. You'll be moving at like 200 ms.