General Discussion

General DiscussionHow will Lesh be nerfed?

How will Lesh be nerfed? in General Discussion

    I'd just have pulse nova and diabolical edict toggled off/cancelled by all disables.

    any other ideas apart from boring stuff life cooldown increases/damage scaling etc.?

    Also, why isn't this hero abused more in pubs? Pick rate isn't anywhere near as high as you'd expect - everyone just abusing blood?


      "any other ideas apart from boring stuff life cooldown increases/damage scaling etc."

      ^ you want to change skills.

      Miku Plays

        Reduce the lightning search aoe to 450m
        edict disappears when lesh dies
        increase pulse nova coldown from 1 to 2.3/2/1.7 Aghs cooldown 2/1.7/1.4

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          edict no longer persists after death
          cd to lightning rescaled to something like 15/12/9/6

          Livin' Real Good

            Cause Leshrac is broken, be he requires SOME type of skill to use.

            Blood seeker is, AND HAS ALWAYS been one of those heroes that MANY BAD PLAYERS pick cause they got raped with him in pubs (most likely cause of shitty positioning, causing them to get ruptured and leave them thinking "that ult is unstoppable" due to being so bad but not knowing it) and they're trying to do the same thing now, same story with Riki, they pick him cause they're filthy casual minds are thinking something like:

            " ooooohhhh O_O permanent invis hero , me likey, but me no like to fight him cause other players so noob, they always kill me cause riki cheating, but i no mind using him myself. hehe"

            Lesh is broken, and but still requires some skill to play against good players...
            ^ That's literally dead on, Blood Seeker is the same thing, a pub hero, a pub hero who just happens to be brain dead in this patch.

            I never played Dota back when the Tinker patch was out, but i'm willing to bet money the pick rate wasn't nearly as high as BloodSeeker, and i'm willing to bet money Jugg, Sniper, Troll, and Void were ALL picked more than Tinker was, why? Cause Tinker takes skill, he's not a pub hero. If Riki became OP meta, he'd be endless all over the dota servers, which i pray to valve not to let happen... eww , a Riki meta...

            Most humans want the easiest route in life, and short cuts, BloodSeeker, Smurf accounts, boosted accounts, bought accounts, simple to use phones, ect, isn't it obvious?

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              its just bloodstone thats gonna be nerfed not lesh

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              Livin' Real Good

                Blood stone nerf would be indirect nerf to Storm as well, not bad.

                < blank >

                  How do you lose as a ranged mid Hero vs Lesh anyway, you must be mentally disabled

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Are you retarded? It doesn't matter if you're ranged, actually you must be mentally disabled if you manage to lose your lane as Lesh.

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Edict is already undervalued right now (despite being considered his best skill last time he was popular) and some even go stats over it, so I doubt it will be touched at all.

                      Seen as icefrog likes giving him super slow animations, maybe nerf his turn rate and attack animation to go with the rest. And also a cast time for his ulti (both on and off).


                        Just nerf lightening. Thats only reason he is unplayable mid.


                          lightning aoe + higher cd


                            edict no longer persists after death and slow scales like 30%/45%/60%/75%. This makes leshrac's lightning + stun combo harder in the early game reduction his kill potential in a mid lane gank.


                              Hey, we know Volvo all too well. So the nerf will be like: -1 armor or -0.2 strength gain per level. =)

                              saving private RTZ

                                Idk, his laning stage is what makes him good cuz he crush the mid lane and doesnt need any help to do so, so he gets uncontested farm+ denies gold and exp from midlane. And if he somehow falls behind he can always clear stacks fairly easy and come back

                                plz do

                                  he got indirectly buffed this patch by several item buffs and new items. i think something like that will happen next patch again, but in the opposite direction.


                                    Could nerf bloodstone build up. Get rid of soulring and increase recipe price by 825g.

                                    Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

                                      Who cares?


                                        nerf pulse and lighting cooldown.


                                          I dont think bloodstone needs a nerf. They should just nerf goddamn lightning (bigger cooldown and lesser jump range), and he's pretty much ok.


                                            prob deleted


                                              the key is to keep him playable. So probably small nerfs and buffs to everyone else.

                                              Tis the icefrog way


                                                @blunt everyone who commented and you clearly cared enough to open the thread. Idiot.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                lm ao

                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Die all

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    Call him X6, i'm Blunt lol.

                                                    To nerf Leshrac: damage, cooldown or range of lighning will be enough to balance him out.

                                                    To your question why leshrac isn't abused as much:

                                                    Huskar is currently being played a lot more in pubs. I've seen him a lot lately and due to solar crest he is now a real pain in the ass.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      just nerf the lightning aoe a bit, that spam is ridiculous. Everything else about him is fine.


                                                        make lightning cost more mana and less range


                                                          also idk what's his start int, mb that could get reduced? idk


                                                            Just buff natural orchid carriers, like clinkz for example.


                                                              Remove that hero from the game JK :P
                                                              Lesh is OP cause he rapes you in lane, his very strong in midgame and strong enough in late AND he fits very well this meta.
                                                              Gyro is the same, thats the reason both heroes will be nerfed


                                                                Although clinkz is ridiculously OP right now, people just havent discovered him yet.


                                                                  ^ bob.. you cant buff orchid carriers cause storm is OP right now


                                                                    he's not op when you get killed from 2 lesh skills kappa.

                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                      clinkz isnt really a orchid carrier...

                                                                      And storm isnt OP. He hasnt been buffed for a long time. In 6.82 he got a new formula on ulti, instead of 10 +1% of mana he know has 12+0.7% of mana but it doesnt help him until later on long jumps. People just discovered him that he is strong.


                                                                        I'd just have pulse nova and diabolical edict toggled off/cancelled by all disables." this to me would over nerf him. He would be pretty much unplayable (as sniper is now).

                                                                        I'd hate to see lesh over nerfed, he's fun AF and i've enjoyed him being the meta (although don't play him.)

                                                                        Literally just nerf lightning and he's not OP


                                                                          Storm is one of the most picked heroes so i know that a lot of people will say that isnt OP, I still remember the 6.83 50+% pickrate (and winrate) sniper and guys saying "sniper isnt unbalanced you can counter him bla bla bla" cause they were sniper pickers.
                                                                          I dont care about pub win rates and i know that strom has 50-% winrate, but i also know that most people plays in normal skill bracket and they are shit with the hero while at 6k or 7k half of the pro players spam storm, and always remember this: EG won DAC and TI5 with storm in 2 different patches


                                                                            i mean i cant even play lesh and in 2 games i went mid i was 5 0 by minute 6 in both

                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                              No they didnt win "with storm". It just happens that he is Sumail's best hero. As I said, he always been like this, his only "buff" ,as that formula change which help him with long jumps.

                                                                              He doesnt even fit in the meta, he cant really 5 man early, maybe with a bloodstone, but there are better heroes. He is just strong, and always been, I think he was better 6.83 bcuz everyone was farming so he could pick off many heroes. + he is pretty good against sniper if he survived laning stage against him


                                                                                I'm fine with lightnign storm longer cd and slight ult damage reduced.

                                                                                Zero IX

                                                                                  Is X6 in love with Blunt


                                                                                    I assume it's either gonna be a bloodstone nerf or the stupid jump range on lightning which mostly destroys everyone in a 1v1 mid matchup


                                                                                      I agree storm was even stronger in 6.83 with the buyback mechanic back then and without so much 5-man shitshow earlygame. But still theres a fucking storm in every high skill match (not the dotabuff highskill, i mean 4.5k mmr or more) cause the hero can comeback so easily from a bad start just pasive farming and jungling, and if he have a good start... he will rape you the next 30 minutes of the game and good luck making a comeback against a good storm, i mean you can but even if you kill him he will respawn in 15 seconds with the bloodstone.
                                                                                      Mistakes are not heavily paid when you play storm as when youre playin QoP lets say, as QoP you cant afford die 3 times or you lose the game, that not happen with storm cause hes so strong carry lategame and all that "skilled gameplay" you should have to play him is bullshit for a hero who should be made to play the "cant touch this" game properly or lose the fucking game.
                                                                                      Im not raging, personally i have no problems playing against storm cause he doesnt counter my main picks, but im so bored of him man... so bored

                                                                                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                                                          @Wonder well thats not Storm being OP but people not trying to shut him down early. And then they cry cuz they got owned by a snowballing hero who never got pressured. Now I am not going to talk about high mmrs cuz I dont know the situation there, though if people complain even there it must be the same thing. So, anyway, I played some storm games recently after practicing him a bit, and people just dont do enough to shut him. I got ganked mid once, once out of 4 games. Its true, I died to a lina+ ES on mid, but then he tried again but I was lvl 6 so I juked the fissure.

                                                                                          okay so I died once, lina lvl 7 I was still 5, decided to go jungle, clear like 4 camps , gety lvl 6, went back to the lane. Rinse and repeat. I think vs storm you have to play very aggressive, occupy his jungle, much like AM dont give him space to farm, cuz he farms pretty fast. Rest of the games they didnt even bother to kill me pre 6 so games were a shitshow

                                                                                          Merve Dibo & the Podracin...

                                                                                            It would be interesting to see them rework the hero, like they reworked BS and PL for 6.82, but both became popular again arguably stronger than ever before, so I guess just nerf lightning aoe and maybe reduce damage or stun time on split earth.


                                                                                              ^ Isnt so easy, you can kill him, but never stop him from recover, he can jungle pretty well most low skill players dont know that and dont abuse the power of the hero. A storm lvl 6 can setup a gank, doest cares if he can solo kill the target so recovery from a bad start is ez.
                                                                                              Im not saying storm is OP cause im a storm hater, that hero is like techies, at low skill both heroes are funny to play and watch, but at high skill both makes this game so boring man cause you cant yolo walk anywhere or you blow up or get initiated by a lighting. And for the record im a disgusting cancer rat naga picker who makes suffer people by dont letting them leave base

                                                                                              Pol Pot of Greed

                                                                                                they are gonna nerf his movespeed to 145