General Discussion

General DiscussionDiffusal blade on silencer position 1 or 2?

Diffusal blade on silencer position 1 or 2? in General Discussion

    Has anyone else tried this? Having a lot of success. Obviously you need to hang near the back of groupfights and if you get focused you're screwed. But as long as your enemies aren't focusing you out it offers a lot tbh
    - 10 dmg
    - 34 pure dmg
    - 5 armor
    - 35 attackspeed
    (at level 2)
    plus the active which is great for purging yourself or victims.


    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Costs about the same as Rod of Atos, gives way less.


        If you need the slow, you're much better off going atos.

        Also most cores nowadays do the slahsers way treads > lothars > scythe build.


          Atos gives only:

          -30 dmg
          -27 pure
          -350 hp.

          Diffusal gives a purge/slow hybrid, which is extremely useful. in addition, I think I value the 5 additional armor and 35 more attack speed (plus the mana burn effect) over the measely 13 damage difference.. lol as for the HP, I think the armor is equal or better tbh

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Manabreak damage is physical, doesn't work on magic immune targets, armor is only EHP and is only bigger than 350 HP when you have more than 1166 HP. Also the buildup is easy, but doesn't help you while a staff of wizardry or vit booster is way more helpful.


              I almost always get rod of atos on silencer. It makes him tanky enough he can't be burst down, unless its like Lion, Lina, Necro.
              But the main advantage is the huge range.

              Rod of Atos
              range 1200
              10 sec cd, 4 sec duration
              infinite usage

              range 600
              8 sec cd, 4 sec duration
              8 charges

              5 armor and 350 hp are about the same at a base hp of 1040. (1040 hp with +5 armor or 1390 hp without) So later in the game the armor does a little more against physical attacks. But the hp help against physical and magic dmg, while the armor does nothign for surviving nuke burst dmg.

              1200 range means you can cast it on enemies often before they can even see you. You can cast it while remaining in a safe position in fights. The purge range of only 600 means that to use it you will certainly be in range of a counter stun in one or two seconds if not instantly. That means you may have to ult to use it. Rod of Atos preserves the threat of using global silence - you can still decide to back up if things look bad. Diffusal can only be used when charging in, and not defensively.

              If you wanted to purge a silence or slow from yourself - then Gaudian Greaves is a lot better option for silencer. But if you are against an Omni-knight and no one else is getting diffusal, then sure get it. You have to purge repels and Angel.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                You mean 'magical', Sam (referring to dmg type)

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  "Each attack burns 25 mana from the target, and deals the same amount in physical damage." from the wiki you goddamn fools.

                  saving private RTZ

                    Mkujin smoked some high shit, he was arguing yesterday that blademail is magical and not pure and now that feedback ( mana break) isnt physical. Wtf is wrong with u


                      Yeah I agree that the atos has the tanky advantage but I'm really aggressive, I aim to finish games within 30 minutes or so, and diffusal dishes out a lot more because of all the attack speed it gives imo. Also, I tend to try to NOT be the person in the middle of things. I prefer instead to let allies engage then slip in the back quietly and murder everyone. Thanks for the info on the mana-break btw. It is however, pure in the sense that armor won't reduce it, right? Only magical immunity?


                        > Game is hard

                        Im on some dumb shit

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                          Why do mechanics have to be so weird

                          casual gamer

                            armor reduces mana break damage


                              It's kind of irony, because Diffusal is good item to pick up on support as a counter to Silencer.


                                Doesn't matter if you are playing as core or not, do not build Diffusal. Pure bs.
                                Rod of Atos provides 30 int and only 2nd to Vyse on this matter.
                                Silencer has already 3.0 agility gain per level, so it'd be foolish to chase around for agility items. But he needs int stats so Glaives can do much more damage. Rod of Atos provides more int, and the slow don't rely on charges / unlimited. Sure Purge is a great ability, and you can save yourself or teammate with it. But for Silencer, Rod of Atos much better item to have.

                                saving private RTZ

                                  Diffusal isnt pure. It gets reduced by armor. You say you gives 34 pure damage but it doesnt, it gives 15 intel and only 90% of that is pure. While Atos gives you almost 30 pure and a slow+ is not charge based.

                                  Physical damage- reduced by armor
                                  Magical dmage- reduced by magic resistance
                                  Pure damage- doesnt get reduced.

                                  now, like mokujin got confused yesterday, ill explain. Magical damage doeant mean its not going through bkb nor does pure damage mean it does.

                                  examples: wich doctor ward-physical-goes through bkb
                                  Necro ulti-magical-goes through bkb
                                  Blademail-pure-doesnt go through bkb or OD's Q doesnt go through bkb although its pure.
                                  Timbersaw all abilities-Pure- dont go through bkb

                                  Bkb provides spell immunity but it doesnt provides MAGICAL RESISTANCE. So basically most spells ( doesnt matter, physical, pure, magical dmg) wont target you. But the ones who do will hit you with normal damage

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                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Allu, you are retarded too. By what you said, Necro ulti and Beasmaster ulti does damage through BKB?

                                    saving private RTZ

                                      Oh I though necro ulti goes through bkb fully. So only the stun applies? My bad then :D. So then bkb actually gives magic resistance. I heard about old type of damages and how they changed them to the 3 typez right now. imo its abit confusing what damage types actually do and what reduces them. Is there a list with all damage types, their interactions, and maybe a list with all abilities/items and what their damage type is?

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        Did some research, yea, damage is blocked from reaper scythe, stun is not

                                        Quick maffs

                                          So many retards man
