General Discussion

General DiscussionMy last game (ember spirit)

My last game (ember spirit) in General Discussion

    can someone tell me what i can do better in my last game(ember spirit) , the build? maybe i should get diffusal a long time ago? or should i give the void/gyro more farm from lane? ( i farm like the whole lane with Bots and remnant combo when i get bf and deso)

    Livin' Real Good

      Wanna know what you did wrong? You didn't play Storm Spirit! Told you a storm was coming!


        didn't watch the replay but
        i'm pretty sure that omni fucked you over, buy those diffusals even when you're ahead, dammit
        and you're right, you probably vacuum farmed fucking everything and your team didn't have any room to farm (Luckily for you none of them realised I guess)

        also your void bought desolator with mom for some reason

        lm ao

          As much as you are ahead of the whole game in terms of net worth, you should always be careful of not dying to enemy cores. That's the ultimate punishment for snowballing the whole game. Unfair, but it gives the enemy a chance to win.


            @Arin yeah , once the omni ulti , im just a normal human , got fucked pretty hard.
            so is it really worth getting diffusal? im thinking like the main damage from my ember is his bf , but if u can just diffu 1 people only , its pretty worthless.
            @Hot Sauz i guess i shouldnt be that greedy and let other core farm so my death punishment wont be very game changing , thx

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            I WILL HURT YOU

              sell aquilla for bkb
              sell desolator for rapier/hex
              sell 2nd bf for another daedalus
              tell your team to catch omni
              turn on bkb, 1-jump remnant on omni => sof + chains in repel/ult casttime.
              if crit => kill him with autoattacks, jump back with ur last remnant
              if not crit => retreat, kite enemy team with sof, till you will crit.

              you could win this ame very easily, if ur shitpudge or void focused JUST OMNI.

                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                casual gamer

                  don't just randomly buy desolator for no reason, the item kinda cripples ur lategame and sucks against their high armor agi carries anyway

                  Lester, Moe

                    dont buy 3 rapiers then drop them to enemy team when you have mega creeps and your doom is afk

                    thats my advice


                      So what is the best time to buy deso?

                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                          I usually go bf first then deso, is it wrong?

                          casual gamer

                            bf before deso isnt very efficient imo

                            bf is an item you get to bank on ur mid-lategame burst damage with cleave fisting and crits

                            deso is an earlygame item that lets you 2shot enemy supports while people have low armor

                            if you delay your deso you give people time to buy tranquil boots, medallions, and other shit that drastically reduces the effectiveness of armor reduction. Remember, your goal with armor reduction is to get people near or at negative armor, because thats where it pays off.

                            Reducing a 28 armor pl to 21 armor does basically nothing, or at least far less than any other item would do

                            when i went deso i would go phase deso and stack crystalises, this gave me a shitton of damage and made me impossible to fight @ 20 minutes. Since then they have nerfed fist/chains damage, and now i jsut stack bfuries

                            basically just if you are against multiple low armor heroes (lesh pudge lina lion aa cm antimage and much much more) deso is a viable pickup because you utterly rape those heroes until late in the game or they buy vlads tranqs etc. Deso is also much more effective when you are snowballing, since the enemy team has less gold and lower levels


                              Ah i see , thx for the info m8 :)