General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies Player With a Couple Questions.

Techies Player With a Couple Questions. in General Discussion
William Fontaine Dauterive

    Ok guys, First... I play a lot of Techies. I'm normally really nice towards teammates and even enemies sometimes if they're just having an off game. I don't usually play the "hide for 30 minutes and bait enemies" style techies. I try to play rotating/ganking nuker or even solo lane sometimes. On average my techies games last about 45-50 minutes, not longer than any other heroes usually. So here's my questions.

    Why do players hate Techies so much, even if he's on your team and doing well?
    There's been so many instances where I'd play solo lane and someone would just flame really hard before the game even begins and then proceed to run into the enemies repeatedly.

    If you play Techies and this happens, how do you deal with it?
    I've tried ignoring it and continuing to lane, I've tried just roaming after the feeding starts, but games like that usually just end really poorly (this is part of the reason why I've started just playing him as a roaming ganker.)

    I really don't understand why Techies is such a hated hero. If someone could try to clear this up for me, or even discussions why you think this happens.

    Riguma Borusu

      People want to get kills. If your techies game is going bad, your team plays 4v5. If your game is going well, you're likely the one getting kill gold. Also, most techies players don't actually teamfight at all, so you are often playing at a teamfight disadvantage (even if techies creates space for your cores to farm, since he applies constant pressure on the map). Techies pick will also often make lanes weak, even weaker than if you had a jungler, since he can jump in to help more easily with his superior levels.

      People generally hate techies because they've had bad experiences playing against and alongside the hero, more often than not, presumably, and techies' high winrate is mostly due to turtling and high ground defending, not to mention people's lack of warding, which is annoying as fuck even if you're on the same team. Sometimes you just want to play a new game and start from level 1, etc.

      So yeah, people ignore what they see and go with what experiences they have with techies picks. Can't help it, human nature, most games with techies on your own team are gonna be somewhat boring unless you're vengeful spirit or magnus.

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      William Fontaine Dauterive

        I guess that makes sense, but even in games where I play with the express intent of protecting and assisting someone else, there's still a lot of hatred.

        Riguma Borusu

          Yeah, people hate techies so much they don't even like when techies wins them the game, that was the point of m post, people be people.

          One of my friends plays techies very often and I like picking venge so we have a lot of fun. He can place mines in an area difficult to ward, I buy a blink, blink in and ward the area around with observer wards, and then swap somebody into death.

          People want to win the games by carrying their teams - aka, jugg gets a nice safelane, gets farmed, goes and rapes people - satisfied player.

          Jugg gets good farm in lane, is about to rape people, but techies is already 12 - 0, and their team is already devastated with one player already abandoned - not a satisfied player, despite getting an easy win. The thing is, techies can compress his damage output to turn it into a strong burst very early in the game, and that can be devastating, no other support can do anything of this sort 3 minutes into the game.

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          Optimus Drip

            i play with a stack. That is how i deal with it, in solo game i just do what i do.


              i remember a time when all everybody wanted was techies


                Just a year ago, huh.


                  Techies has early physical demage nuke that can be stacked
                  Techies has magical demage that can be placed anywhere, even in tree ( you can kill someone with gem )
                  in teamfight, techies level 16 + with ags has 750 magical demage, wtf and it cooldown is 10 s
                  oh fuck he can suiclide, free bloodstone, and deal physical demage when he suiclide
                  He can plant stun that deal 4s stun
                  It cooldown at highest level is 10 s and last 6 minute, he can plant 36 stun trap anywhere in map, how about 36 stun in base ?
                  OFC and it stun for 4 s, you can combo using eul

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