General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick bug

Rubick bug in General Discussion

    several games ago we played against rubick, and at least 3 of us couldn't choose his model with mouse, it looked as if it was just a graphic "illusion" on the map withhout real body - there was no way you could click on him.

    was it some random bug, or is it some new weird shit like invisible courier?


      was this on live or reborn?

      I had a weird rubick bug in reborn where I stole a spell right when someone cast a spell and my R was the spell as well at my spellsteal. Couldn't steal another spell or cast the spell. Fixed itself when i died.


        Bubick rug


          nah, it was just a casual game in normal client

          Pale Mannie

            Never underestimate Gaben's skills


              there is a bug on reborn with huskar he stops atacking for some reason u have to click every single time for an attack .


                I think u stole Chakrem Aghs upgrade for Timbersaw. That sometimes switches ur ulti with Chakrem until you die or spealsteal duration ends. Which sure is a bug.

                Triple ur just fuckin rus drukn shitter ur seeing things lols