General Discussion

General DiscussionDid I cause us to lose this game?

Did I cause us to lose this game? in General Discussion

    Did I starve spec of his farm, I was really annoyed we lost this game, but on later reflection I realized I probably didn't allow Spec safe farm and to get farmed to properly get him in the game, ultimately causing our demise. Most of my last hits were from defending as they had a really strong early game and BS snowballed some what. We managed to rax, but couldn't finish. Frustrating end to a long, game, 1hr20 minutes, we have all been there.

    Get gudder.

    Riguma Borusu

      Even without getting any kills, spec should've got 6 slotted in a 80 minute game, unless she was constantly ganked by the opposing team. Unless you've startved the jungle completely, I don't see how you've starved her, maybe spec should've taken more last hits on heroes though, as you seem to have ramped up the same hero damage spec did, but you got most of the last hits, though it is hard NOT to do as timbersaw.

      39 assist spectre isn't gonna get much from kills apparently.

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        Bracket looks like absolute cancer to start with

        If you interfered in any way with spec not getting lasthits or not doing space, possibly. Should have sold aghs and done necrobook 3 and urged someone else to do so or do cuirass so you can push and try to win it

        other than that, probably not your fault if you top the score unless you did those by pickoffs and nobody else benefit from it


          Sell two items, the bloodstone and aghs. Exchange for refresher orb and heaven helbred or Abyssal blade that will cut bloodseeker black king bar. There's a reason why you have lack of items choice but can't figure how to disable bloodseeker. If you learned something new from me. You woulda have won in team fights. But your choice items are failure. My bad for saying twice. I mean it. You have alot of net worth. In the future reference you happened to meet Bloodseeker that have blademail and bkb during the teamfights and that keep in mind think in game what items should I go in late game.

          PRO: You be able to do double stuns by using Abyssal Blade two times when using a refresher orb.
          CON: You don't have bkb how would you stop Bloodseeker for going a kill?

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            alright stop lolz