General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich "bad plays" have been replay-worthy that you can remember?

Which "bad plays" have been replay-worthy that you can remember? in General Discussion

    I was playing Medusa and had just stone gazed 3 people by mid tower. All 3 were a split shot arrow away from dying, and as soon as they came out of gaze, our good friend KotL blinded them all away out of range.

    It was fantastic.


      KotL must be like "ez commend ez life, 3 more commends for today"


        None involving me because I never make mistakes (kappa)

        Waga denying his phase boots never stops me smiling though.

        Likewise the doomed creep getting immediately consumed.

        "You didn't see that."

        Riguma Borusu

          The other team was roshing and we knew it, batrider and me had our blinks ready to wreck them, then batrider initiated by flamebreaking people so they don't get hit by my echoslam. They did end up on cliffs and behind roshan and unable to move, so we killed them off in the most awkward way possible, but that was just fucked. That was my "almost TI5 guise" moment ruined by a teammate.

          Actually, this story is similar to OP. Flamebreak and blinding light are similar.

          I've also ruined another guy's echoslam with my naga's ult, but that's more like because he does not understand the effect lingers on for half a second. Also I've thrown a chrono that killed my entire team by witch doctor's ult. Naturally, I just ran away in shame and wrote "report void" in public chat, because that shit cost us the game.

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          Slender Lim

            One of my funniest fails would be the 4 man black hole to a 0 man black hole

            Ok so it starts of like this we were losing and enemy had the advantage. I was Enigma doing my team when suddenly I got a glimpse of creep dying so I initiated the battle with a black hole but forgot to put my midnight pulse. Suddenly, my teamate dark seer used vaccum and vacuumed them all on top of the hill. So, I was like lolz and casted midnight pulse there but they killed both of us :(

            Then Sven from our team blinked up the hill and killed all four of them then we won the game! Woohooo! It wasn't really a fail but the vacuum was a funny call it killed 3 of my teammates along with me because we had no viosion of that area

            Paid actor

              ok heres mine....i was ganking this sf mid i was playing as lion....sf was under 50% of his hp so i stuned him and then followed up with my ult which actually hitted a creep nearby (was before lions ult hitted everything around it)...

              after that i runned away in shame and w8ed for like 15 secs for some1 to start flaming me...no1 did, luckly they didnt see that and the funny thing is that SF was muted so all he did was spam a couple of times Well played! but no1 understood....after 15secs i told my team that we needed to gank sf xD

              Dire Wolf

                I had two recently, I was on bloodseeker and went to gank a lion who was at our t2 all alone. I wasn't full hp but it's fucking lion who cares? I rupture, but before I silence he sheeps me mana drains so I now have no mana for silence, but whatever I'll right click him to death. He is 1 hit away when he pops a full wand heals to over half hp and then ults me and I die. Fucking forgot to check his wand. Though idk if you can even see the charges but either way, totally underestimated him.

                Then on AM I have no played him in a really long time and when you ult you know how it shows an aoe under the cursor where you are targeting? I assumed this meant it was an area effect not a unit target and I ulted someone with full mana instead of the hero next to him with zero lol. Pretty big fail.

                But the best one this weekend wasn't mind. A gyro on my team caught spirit breaker at the rune. I was on bloodseeker and helped him right click the guy down a bit, he had already charged so he wasn't escaping. I ran back into the woods cus sb was so low and going to die and I was low too. Well gyro kept chasing spamming rockets but HE DIDN'T RIGHT CLICK TO ATTACK. He just kept chasing and spamming Q and moving but not actually attacking. SB ran to tower and gyro ending up dying instead and giving first blood. This guy was a total fucking moron the whole game but that was easily his worst play and worst play I've seen in a long time. If he had just right clicked SB he'd have died from 1 hit.

                Oh and the zero man black holes or other ults, I do them way too often, what happens is you click somewhere, then get stuned or whatever and if you don't press stop command your hero will cast once stun wears off. Really annoying but it happens to me more often than I care to admit. I just called down on top of zero heroes the other day cus of that, it was like a lion stun or something after I had clicked call down and was running to get in cast range, then it wore off and it still casted in old spot.

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