General Discussion

General DiscussionPotential bug on the "Trends" chart or a Windows 10 thing?

Potential bug on the "Trends" chart or a Windows 10 thing? in General Discussion

    Alright, so I upgraded to Win 10 last weekend and I noticed that all the small hero portraits on mouse-over on the trends charts are not shown - instead the image for a broken picture link is displayed. Has someone else the same problem?


      have u tried to use another browser?


        Yeah, same result with that new Edge browser.


          could it happen due to lack of some drivers or stuff like that? possibly it just doesnt recognize certain formats of images, but if so, you gotta notice it on other web pages, too.


            It has to be a very rare file format then because I haven't noticed it on any other websites yet. And also on every other Dotabuff page than the Trends chart every picture is shown correctly.


              aight, then i got no idea tbh, sry ^_^

              < blank >

                Clear your browser cache


                  Didn't help.

                  < blank >

                    What is your main browser, you didn't let us know which one you use


                      Google Chrome, it's the latest version.