General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat would be my mmr???

What would be my mmr??? in General Discussion

    If i maintain and stAy in very high skill bracket from lvl 1-13. What would be my mmr.

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      a huge disappointment


        what do you mean 0 13

        Giff me Wingman

          Sry to break it for ya, but you're in ~ 3.4k bracket atm.


            I mean is from lvl 0 to lvl 13. I just want to reach at least 4k mmr.


              Im from 2k and i feel like i dont deserve it, so i make new and it calib 3k, and again i feel like im not in that bracket anymore. So i decide to create 3rd acc hoping for 4k at least. My recent was 3.1k. Any advice?


                I've played in 3k games.

                I can random any hero and make big plays.

                There is no advice and even if you tryharded and abused your way to 4k, every game will just be unfun because you'll always be outskilled.


                  I already played all heroes in my main account. And i think i learn how to play them in average level. The thing is i dont feel like my team mates are playing the same level i was to me anymore. So i will play normally after calib. I already prove in my 2nd acc that i wasnt on 2k anymore like my 1st.

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