General Discussion

General DiscussionDying a little too much?

Dying a little too much? in General Discussion
mr bombastic

    First: Sorry if this is a repeat of another post, I tried to check real quick to see if someone asked the same but didn't see one right off.
    Second, and more importantly. I noticed that in a lot of my matches I don't necessarily feed, but I just die... a lot.
    First I average a little over 8 deaths per game which seems a bit high, since I usually play mid or carry and only support 1/3 or 1/4'th of the time. Also after reading around I heard that I should have about 3.5KDA on carries. Looking through my heroes played I see that I only have a few at that margin, and my most played heroes are at about 3.0 KDA or worse.
    Would someone be so kind and look through my dotabuff and maybe point out something I'm doing wrong?
    I study the game quite a bit and am pretty committed to it, so any and all help is appreciated.

    Thanks for the help :)


      Whatever your commitment is, you're still new, just practice.


        Check my KDA and rejoice! =)

        mr bombastic

          Haha. Although you're in very high skill playing supports... and still have about 1.5 less deaths a match