General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you hate about losing streaks? what does it do to you?

What do you hate about losing streaks? what does it do to you? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Do you take it good and learn from mistakes? or manly and expresses too much emotion the next game?


      gg go next


        cry, why you are such a nice guy?

        Im the Bully of my School

          losing streak = you wasted all that time and had no fun that why i think we hate streak losing


            When i hit a losing streak, i care less about the next game untill it turns. So its kinda bad coz that "mentality" can worsen the losing streak im on. but then again, tryharding would just make the loss even worse.

            < blank >

              Just offlaning Storm = free win

              King of Low Prio

                I just increase the flame each game i lose


                  il get more and more emo

                  random and afk jungle to lose more games


                    im always on a losing streak Kappa